


National Salvation-cum-Enlightenment: The Thought of Lei Pei-hung on Universal Education




朱浤源(Hong-Yuan Chu)


廣西 ; 教育改革 ; 國民基礎教育 ; 訓政 ; 民團 ; Kwangsi ; education reform ; adult education ; tutelage education ; militia




29期(1998 / 06 / 01)


131 - 177




國民政府時期,曾任廣西教育廳長、廣西大學校長,大陸易幟以後,曾任廣西政協副主席的雷沛鴻,一直是個被歷史所掩埋的人物。其實,他曾經轟轟烈烈地改造了中國的教育方式,不單是理論,而且也成爲實際。 他是黨化教育的宣揚者、設計者,以及規劃、推動、執行的最重要人士。早在民國十六年八月二十三日國民革命軍仍在北伐途中,他已經提出〈整頓廣西全省縣、市、鄉立小學方案〉,大聲呼籲以黨化教育整頓全省的小學。他的〈方案〉,得到廣西當局李(宗仁)、黃(紹竑)、白(崇禧)的支持。〈方案〉中還自稱:所提規劃,是根據在廣西辦理小學的實際困難,以及「本黨決議」而擬訂。而所謂的「本黨決議」,就是〈中國國民黨第一次全國代表大會宣言〉第十三條:「勵行教育普及,以全力發展兒童本位之教育,整頓學制系統,增加教育經費,並保障其獨立」。 本文研究的,是中國大陸一九三○年代的廣西的教育改革,並且特別挑選雷沛鴻廳長主政時期(1933-1936)所推動教改中的一部分,也就是普及國民基礎教育,來深入探討。本文限於篇幅,先介紹他思想的部分,而且祇討論國民基礎教育這個範疇。由於他的國民基礎教育,具有兩大特色:一、在國民政府訓政時期實施,二、以普及爲原則;又具有兩大目的:一是救中國,免於日本的侵略,二是教導生產知識與愛國精神,因此與和平時期有重大差異,這是他的教改值得探究的另一個原因。 他不但得到軍政當局的支持,撥予許多教育經費,而且得到全省民眾的熱烈響應。由於省民的響應,使雷氏的普及教育運動譽滿全國,各省關心教育的機構、大學,均派人前來觀摩。雷沛鴻廳長主政的民國二十二年到二十五年,廣西初等學校的校數與學生數均持續快速成長。而去職以後,後勁仍存,繼續增高,直到民國二十七年。二十八年以後,由於抗戰等原因,而有下降現象,但仍維持民國二十二年以後的水準,直到民國三十三年。這前後十二年的時間,成爲廣西教育史上最輝煌的時代,並使廣西人民知所以戰,故能英勇抗日,令世人刮目相看。


The major thrust of Lei Pei-hung's ambitious educational programs lay in the area of primary education. The Kwangsi government, for which he was in charge of education, required each village and ward in the province to turn one of its temples into a primary school, or else to build a new school building (which would also include offices for either a village or ward government and a mini- headquarters for a local militia unit). Under the leadership of Lei Pei-hung, the director of education of the Kwangsi Provincial Government, and the guidance of the Kwangsi KMT Clique, about two-thirds of Kwangsi's 24,000 villages and wards had primary schools by 1934. The statistical sources indicate a rapid increase in the number of children attending primary schools. Lei Pei-hung viewed adult education in Kwangsi as the education of the masses, which was taken to be even more important than the education of children. This education needed to be consistent with the political, economic, and social objectives of the masses, as determined by the Clique. The militia system provided the primary mechanism through which adult education was achieved. Viewed from all possible angles, the Kwangsi militia and adult education were inextricably united. This article deals with Lei Pei-hung's thought on the universal, national and fundamental education reform of a tutelary sort from 1933 to 1936, which had the aims first to salvage the country and, secondly to enlighten the citizens. The first aim proved to be so emergent and important that it matched educational reform with military purpose. Both reserve militia units and adult educational units were simultaneously constituted. Adult educational units became permanent parts of the provincial militia program, not merely temporary adjuncts to it. The adult educational program included formal and informal education. Formal classes were held in primary schools. The informal part of adult education and militia training included teaching peasants to improve planting methods, propagandizing the need for conscription, and so on. Lei Pei-hung served as the key designer and executor of the education reform of Kwangsi in accordance with the ideas of Dr. Sun Yatsen.

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