


Japan's Involvement in Drug Trafficking in Central China, 1937-1945




李恩涵(En-Han Lee)


日本 ; 販毒 ; 華中 ; 上海 ; 南京 ; Japan ; drug-trafficking ; Central China ; Shanghai ; Nanking




29期(1998 / 06 / 01)


179 - 222




本文係作者研究戰時日本在華所涉及的販毒活動的第三篇論文,乃專就日本在華中六省境內的販毒活動,作一深入探討,並分以上海、南京、武漢(漢口)三大都會區爲重點,檢視其全貌。全文計分下列三部分: (一)戰前日本在華中的販毒活動; (二)戰爭前期(1937-1939)日本在華中的販毒活動; (三)戰爭中期(1939-1941)、後期(1941-1945)日本在華中的販毒活動。作者根據現能見及的中、日、英文資料,發現日本自中日戰爭之初的淞滬戰役將屆結束之時,即迅速自滿洲國與華北,海運鴉片與海洛因等毒品至上海,同時則自伊朗大量輸入鴉片來滬,以爲籌措戰費與在華日軍特務費用之需。另在日本占領軍的主導下,任命日人里見甫(冒名華人李鳴)組成上海宏濟善堂,以總持在上海及蘇、浙、皖占領區內的販毒工作(其後兼擴展至贛、鄂占領區)。南京僞維新政府成立後,則成立禁煙總局,以配合與推廣毒品的銷售。其後,汪精衛的國民政府成立,也繼續採取弛禁毒品與鼓勵販吸毒品的政策。1943年12月後,該政府雖開始部分性遏制毒品的流佈,但迄至1945年8月日本投降時爲止,毒品在華的氾濫情形,仍是非常嚴重。 作者根據美國財政部在上海所獲得的情報資料,估計日本在中日戰爭的約略八年期間,在華中販毒所獲的「利潤」,約計共達21.75億日元(1939年約4日元=1美元)。而在整個中國占領區內,日、偽當局的販毒收入總額(非專指「利潤」),每年則約達20.37億日元,相當於約5.09億美元之巨數。


This paper is one of the author's serialized studies of the Japanese involvement in drug-trafficking in China prior to and during the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. It focuses on Japanese activities in central China, stressing particularly the drug situation in the metropolitan areas of Shanghai, Nanking and Wuhan (Hankow). The article is divided chronologically into three parts covering the wartime period of 8 years. Facts show that by the time Japan consolidated its occupation of Shanghai, the Japanese military authorities had already begun to transport opium and other dangerous drugs to Shanghai from Manchuria and North China, and, at the same time, massive amounts of raw opium were also imported from Iran. The primary intention was to make money through the drug-trafficking, with a view to supplementing limited military budgets as well as reimbursing the large expenses of instituting various puppet governments in the region. The drug-trafficking scheme was drawn up and put under the control of Hajime Satomi, a Japanese assuming the Chinese name of Li Ming, who was assisted by a hierarchy of Chinese associates. In the wake of the establishment of the puppet Reformed Government in Nanking in March 1938, the scheme played some auxiliary functions of facilitating and implementing the policy set by the Japanese. The puppet Nationalist government of Wang Ching-wei was compelled after March 1940, to play the same role of facilitating drug-trafficking, although after December 1943, it began to resist this notorious business under Japanese domination with some success. Based on the information collected by the U. S. Treasury attaches in Shanghai before December 1941, the author estimates that the Japanese collected a total net profit of ¥ 2,175,000,000 during 1937-1945 (in 1939 ¥ 4.00=ca. US$ 1.00). It has to be noted for comparison that in 1940 the construction of a Japanese most modern 25,675-ton aircraft carrier required ¥ 80,000,000 only). From all the regions in Japanese-occupied China, it has been estimated that the Japanese and Chinese puppet authorities managed, through their massive drug-trafficking policy in 1937-1945, annually to extract from poor, helpless Chinese drug-addicts and society the large sum of ¥ 2,037,000,000 an enormous amount of money equivalent to an annual exaction of US$ 509,000,000.

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