


The Great Liu-kiu Age as Noted in Korean Sources




張存武(Tsun-Wu Chang)


朝鮮漂流人 ; 十五世紀的琉球 ; 琉日國界 ; 臥蛇島 ; 與那國島 ; 八重山群島 ; 尚真王及其母 ; 小琉球 ; 蔡璟 ; Ship-wrecked Korean Survivors ; fifteenth Century Liu-kiu ; the boundary between Liu-kiu and Japan ; the isle Who-sher ; Yonagumi Island ; Yaeyama Islands ; Shang-chen king and his mother ; the little Liu-kiu ; Tsai




30期(1998 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






The dawning of the historical age of the Liu-kiu Kingdom began with her entering into tributary relations with Ming China in 1372 AD. Thereafter Chinese envoys went there often, but owing to the lack of written records, Chinese people in general knew very little about the kingdom before 1534, the year in which commissioner Chen K'an's (陳侃) report on his Liu-kiu mission appeared. Nevertheless, through reports of Korean ship-wreck survivors and Japanese traders who sent the former home from Liu-kiu, the Korean Government collected much information about the island kingdom. From these records we know that the boundary between Liu-kiu and Japan was situated on the isle of Woh-sher (臥蛇), much further north than now, which means that Liu-kiu at that time was larger than today. We know also that the island kingdom had mutual trade with Hakta (博多), but her relations with Satsuma (薩摩) were tense. The reports show that the people of the kingdom's southern islands, the Yaeyama Islands (八重山群島), still lived in a state of primitive society, while those of Yonagumi Island (與那國島) which is close to Taiwan, were just in the preliminary period of pottery age civilization. Customs of the people of outer islands and the outside areas of Shun and Naha, the capital and trade port, as well as the way of living of a young king and his mother could not be found in Chen K' an's report which paid more attention to Sino-Liu relations, especially those ceremonial items.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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