


B-a Lama and the Establishment of Buddhism from Tibet in the Ch'ing Dynasty




李勤璞(Qin-Pu Li)


金國 ; 藏傳佛教 ; 蒙古 ; 白喇嘛 ; The Ch'ing dynasty Aisin Gurun ; Tibetan Buddhism ; Mongolia ; Liao-yang ; Mukden ; B-a Lama




30期(1998 / 12 / 01)


65 - 100




When the Ch'ing Dynasty (the Aisin Gurun) was in the process of establishing itself in the area of Liao-tung, it was for the first time visited by two Tibetan lamas in the persons of Orlug Darqan Nangsu Lama and B-a Lama(Bay-a Ba Lama, >B-a Lama, >Be Lama, ?-1637). These two Lamas were masters of Tibetan Buddhism, and had a religious brotherhood relationship between them. They came from the Qorcin and co-founded Tibetan Buddhism in the Ch'ing Dynasty. The Nangsu Lama died three months after his arrival (between the 22nd day of the fifth month and the 22nd day of the eighth month of the sixth year of Abkai Fulingga/A. D. 1621), and the B-a Lama was to be regarded as the actual founder of Tibetan Buddhism in the Ch'ing Dynasty. Previously, and during the years of 1615-1617, the Nangsu Lama had already been invited twice to deliver a sermon at the 'nadan amba miyoo' in East Hetu-ala. This was because the Nangsu Lama was one of the Genggiyen Han's (Nurgaci's) friends. The Genggiyen Han had high respect for this great Lama and promised to build him a Sheli Tower (Buddhism Pagoda) in accordance with his will. This tower was to be consecrated by his younger religious brother ('emu sajin i deo'), the master B-a Lama. Because of the long-term war at that time, the tower and temple were not constructed immediately, instead only a small temple was first built for provisional use. Later at the instance of the B-a Lama, the tower and temple were finally built in the fourth year of the Sure Han (A. D. 1630), and the B-a Lama was appointed as the master of this temple. With the B-a Lama, the Ch'ing Dynasty started to have a religion which included the Buddha-dharma-sangha, which is to say that Tibetan Buddhism was founded within the Ch'ing Dynasty. This paper aims to look at the history and activities of the B-a Lama and their influence on the Ch'ing Dynasty in the course of establishing Tibetan Buddhism in the Aisin Gurun. Besides these activities of establishing Tibetan Buddhism, the B-a Lama was mainly responsible for political and diplomatic affairs of the Han (Qayan/Huangdi). As an important political figure, the B-a Lama (1) conducted peace negotiations with the Ming Dynasty, (2) looked after the Daiming Gurun's capture of Chang Ch'un (1565-1641) who refused to surrender to the Daicing and urged him to serve for the Daicing at San-guan Miao in Mukden (Sheng-Jing), and (3) participated in national affairs concerning Mongolia. The Ch'ing Dynasty might have benefited from the B-a Lama's experiences with Tibet and Mongolia in working out its own policies to manage Tibet and Mongolia. When the B-a Lama died in 1637, he was buried in the Tower Garden of the orlug Darqan Nangsu Lama in Liao-yang. In brief, in the light of careful research of the B-a Lama's activities, this paper tries to convey the conditions and character of Tibetan Buddhism in the period of its first establishment in the Ch'ing Dynasty.


When the Ch'ing Dynasty (the Aisin Gurun) was in the process of establishing itself in the area of Liao-tung, it was for the first time visited by two Tibetan lamas in the persons of Orlug Darqan Nangsu Lama and B-a Lama(Bay-a Ba Lama, >B-a Lama, >Be Lama, ?-1637). These two Lamas were masters of Tibetan Buddhism, and had a religious brotherhood relationship between them. They came from the Qorcin and co-founded Tibetan Buddhism in the Ch'ing Dynasty. The Nangsu Lama died three months after his arrival (between the 22nd day of the fifth month and the 22nd day of the eighth month of the sixth year of Abkai Fulingga/A. D. 1621), and the B-a Lama was to be regarded as the actual founder of Tibetan Buddhism in the Ch'ing Dynasty. Previously, and during the years of 1615-1617, the Nangsu Lama had already been invited twice to deliver a sermon at the 'nadan amba miyoo' in East Hetu-ala. This was because the Nangsu Lama was one of the Genggiyen Han's (Nurgaci's) friends. The Genggiyen Han had high respect for this great Lama and promised to build him a Sheli Tower (Buddhism Pagoda) in accordance with his will. This tower was to be consecrated by his younger religious brother ('emu sajin i deo'), the master B-a Lama. Because of the long-term war at that time, the tower and temple were not constructed immediately, instead only a small temple was first built for provisional use. Later at the instance of the B-a Lama, the tower and temple were finally built in the fourth year of the Sure Han (A. D. 1630), and the B-a Lama was appointed as the master of this temple. With the B-a Lama, the Ch'ing Dynasty started to have a religion which included the Buddha-dharma-sangha, which is to say that Tibetan Buddhism was founded within the Ch'ing Dynasty. This paper aims to look at the history and activities of the B-a Lama and their influence on the Ch'ing Dynasty in the course of establishing Tibetan Buddhism in the Aisin Gurun. Besides these activities of establishing Tibetan Buddhism, the B-a Lama was mainly responsible for political and diplomatic affairs of the Han (Qayan/Huangdi). As an important political figure, the B-a Lama (1) conducted peace negotiations with the Ming Dynasty, (2) looked after the Daiming Gurun's capture of Chang Ch'un (1565-1641) who refused to surrender to the Daicing and urged him to serve for the Daicing at San-guan Miao in Mukden (Sheng-Jing), and (3) participated in national affairs concerning Mongolia. The Ch'ing Dynasty might have benefited from the B-a Lama's experiences with Tibet and Mongolia in working out its own policies to manage Tibet and Mongolia. When the B-a Lama died in 1637, he was buried in the Tower Garden of the orlug Darqan Nangsu Lama in Liao-yang. In brief, in the light of careful research of the B-a Lama's activities, this paper tries to convey the conditions and character of Tibetan Buddhism in the period of its first establishment in the Ch'ing Dynasty.

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