


The Yang-ming Chiang-hui Activities in Chi-an Prefecture during the Ming Dynasty




呂妙芬(Miaw-Fen Lu)


陽明學 ; 江右 ; 鄒守益 ; 羅洪先 ; 聶豹 ; 歐陽德 ; 王時槐 ; 劉元卿 ; 胡直 ; Yang-ming learning ; Chiang-you ; Tsou Shu-i ; Lo Hung-hsien ; Nieh Pao ; Ou-yang Te ; Wang Shih-huai ; Liu Yüan-ch'ing ; Hu Chih




35期(2001 / 06 / 01)


197 - 268






Chi-an Prefecture had been the most prominent area for the Yang-ming chiang-hui (learning and discussing meetings) since the 1510s. This article mainly studies the history of the Yang-ming chiang-hui in Chi-an Prefecture during the post-Wang Yang-ming era (from 1528AD), especially in the five representative districts of An-fu, Lu-ling, Chi-shui, Yung-feng, and T'ai-ho. During this period, the Yang-ming chiang-hui in Chi-an experienced two waves of prosperity: one was in the 1530s and 1540s, the leading scholars were Tsou Shou-i, Lo Hung-hsien, Nieh Pao, and Ou-yang Te; the other in the 1570s and advocated by Tsou Te-han, Wang Shih-huai, Liu Yüan-ch'ing, Hu Chih, and Kuo Ju-lin. In addition to dealing with the general development of the Yang-ming chiang-hui in each district, this article also touches upon some influential factors, including the relationship between the chiang-hui history and scholars' life experiences, the civil service examinations, and the changing identity of scholars in the late Ming. In an area with highly cultural competency like Chi-an, intellectual activities required more visible achievements to be recorded in local histories. The characteristics and limitations of written texts have also to be taken into account. As there are indications showing every possible existence of some or many local chiang-hui without written records and thus strongly reminding us of the limitations of historical materials on which we have to rely in dealing with the matter.

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