


The Rice-control Policy in Occupied China and the Changes in Grain-management Organizations under the Wang Regime




林美莉(May-Li Lin)


日本 ; 汪政權 ; 米糧統制 ; 糧政機關 ; Japan in China ; The Wang Regime ; Rice-control Policy ; Grain-management Organizations




37期(2002 / 06 / 01)


145 - 186




摘本文運用新公開的檔案史料,透過汪政權陸續成立的糧食管理委員會、糧食部以及米糧統制委員會這三個糧政機關的遞嬗經過,呈現汪政權與日本之間的米糧統制交涉與汪政權的糧政問題。 在日本占領華中地區後,其直接控制的手段壟斷占領區的經濟事務,引發米糧流通危機。汪政權即藉由糧荒壓力,適時運用了日軍無法徹底統制占領區經濟的困境,向日方提出收回民食區的要求,然而,日方則透過汪政權的收購活動來獲取比起直接控制時期較多的米糧供應量,雙方都達到其預設的目標。汪政權爲了米糧問題多次與日方進行協商之後,其陸續設立掌理米糧業務的機關如糧管會、糧食部或是米統會,均負有採購與配給民食的任務。觀察日汪雙方的協商歷程,可以明顯看到汪政權十分看重其主權與治權的自主性,其成員有意識地與日本直接占領的徵發作法劃清界限,並與日本進行交涉。作爲汪政權交涉對手的日本軍方,則隨著經濟現實而調整其在華中占領區的米糧統制作法,並在無法掌握當地糧政實力的情況之下放手給汪政權處理。透過本文的論述,可以爲日汪關係史的研究課題,提供個案觀察的視角。


Based on newly available archives, this paper describes the rice-control negotiations and the changes in grain-management organizations under the Wang Jingwei Regime, with a view to examining the complicated situation of food supply in occupied China. From 1940 to 1945, three grain-management organizations were successively established by the Wang Regime. These were Grain-management Committee, Grain Ministry and Grain-control Committee. Since these organizations were in charge of the purchase and rationing of grain, we can examine the rice-control policies of the Wang Regime by observing their operations. This paper not only analyzes the food supply but also reveals the relations between the Wang Regime and the Japanese authorities in China during the World War Ⅱ. Once the Wang Regime was established, it immediately took advantage of the grain panic of the 1940's and recovered the grain supply area for civilians. By leaving grain purchases to the Wang Regime, the Japanese authorities managed to obtain more grain supplies than under the formal direct control system. Thus both sides benefited from the arrangement. In their grain management as well as their negotiations, it can be seen that the Wang Regime carefully and consciously defended its autonomy while the Japanese also flexibly adjusted their policy according to economic reality. Japan had to modulate its policy when it could not control the Chinese local situation. After its rice-control negotiations with Japan, the Wang Regime tried to handle grain management in occupied China, Through this case study, this essay hopes to throw light on the food supply and the relations between the Japanese and the Wang Regime during the war.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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