


An Iron Rice Bowl? The Households and Livelihoods of Sin Jeku Jetere Aha in the Imperial Household Department in Late Imperial China




賴惠敏(Hui-Min Lai)


辛者庫人 ; 內務府 ; 漢軍 ; 鐵杆莊稼 ; Sin jeku jetere aha ; Imperial Household Department ; Han Banners ; Bannermen ; iron rice bowl




38期(2002 / 12 / 01)


71 - 128




過去學者研究清初內務府辛者庫人都認爲他們是最低賤的奴僕,在此則討論辛者庫人在嘉慶、道光以後更複雜的發展。「鐵杆莊稼」象徵旗人領俸餉過日,生活無虞,從戶口冊、俸餉冊的記載可瞭解清末國家財政困難,並非人人能依靠鐵杆莊稼過活,本文討論的三個管領下辛者庫人得各憑本事維生,故在嘉慶、道光朝已經有明顯的階層變化。七班的辛者庫人完全是漢軍旗,有21%的人丁都是從事雜役工作的蘇拉,到光緒年間他們仍從事雜役工作,而且比例下降爲13.9%。四班的辛者庫人當差的比例約18.47%,族群包括漢軍與蒙古軍。其中有八人任九品以上官職,另有科舉功名文生員一人和官學生七人。安立管領下人丁包括滿洲、蒙古、漢軍旗人,在嘉慶朝有將近40%的男性當差,光緒朝則降爲20%。不過整個看來,此管領下人丁獲得官職的人數增加,九品官以上有24位,其中包括官至二品的兩廣總督德壽。安立管領的辛者庫人長期擔任世襲的差務,如庫使、庫守、廚役、司俎人、領催,以及銀匠、銅匠、鐵匠等特殊技藝,容易累積家產,再加上清中葉廣開捐納之門,讓他們獲得買官的機會。 舊時北京有句俗話:「不分滿漢,但問旗民」,似乎說明社會階層以旗人、民人作分野。但是,在內務府的旗人中滿漢地位還是大不相同的,滿洲人和蒙古人挑差的機會高於漢軍,同時他們還有世襲差務的機會。


Scholars who have studied Sin jeku jetere aha in the Imperial Household Department during the early Qing Dynasty concluded they were the humblest of slaves. This essay paints a more complex picture of the lives of Sin jeku jetere aha since the Jiaqing and Daogung reigns. The term 'iron rice bowl' suggests that the Manchus led an easy life on their official salaries. We can see from census and pay records, however, that the empire had financial difficulties in its late period, and therefore not everyone could live off the iron rice bowl. Under three supervisors discussed in this essay, the Sin jeku jetere aha all had to independently earn their own livings, so there were significant changes in their class positions. The Sin jeku jetere aha of the Seventh Duty Group belonged to were all Han Bannermen; of these, 21 percent of the adults were ”office boys” working at a variety of menial tasks. Some were still engaged in such work during the Guangxu reign, but the proportion decreased to 13.9 percent. About 18.47 percent of Sin jeku jetere aha of the Fourth Duty Group, including Han and Mongol Bannermen, held official positions. Eight men had official positions at or above the ninth rank, a government student and seven official students. The Bannermen of Supervisor Anliincluded Manchus, Mongols, and Han. Almost 40 percent of males held official positions during Jiaqing reign while the figure drops to 20 percent for the Guangxu period. Nonetheless, in general the number of adults who held official positions under the supervisorsincreased, including 24 people who held official positions beyond the ninth rank, including Geng Deshou, who became the Liangguang Governor-General. Because Supervisor Anli's Sin jeku jetere aha occupied such specialized hereditary posts as storehouse keepers, kitchen helpers, sacrifice helpers, silversmiths, coppersmiths, ironsmiths, and the like, they were easily able to accumulate private property. Additionally, the fact that buying official positions became permissible from the middle period of the Qing dynasty made it possible for them to buy such posts. An old saying in Beijing proclaimed that, ”It doesn't matter whether you are Han or Manchu, as long as you're a Bannerman.” This seems to real a percpetion of the social gap between the Banners and ordinary commoners. Nevertheless, among Banners in the Imperial Household Department, the status of Han and Manchu was quite different. Manchu and Mongol Bannermen had more opportunity to choose and inherit their duties.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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