


Liang Qichao and the Search for China's Modern Historiography




黃克武(Max K. W. Huang)


梁啟超 ; 中國現代史學 ; 新康德主義 ; 佛學 ; Liang Qichao ; modern Chinese historiography ; Neo-Kantianism ; Buddhism




41期(2003 / 09 / 01)


181 - 213






Liang Qichao's historiographical thought represents the beginning of modern Chinese historiography and reveals some important directions of Chinese historiography in the twentieth century. As pointed out by many scholars, recently including Tang Xiaobing and Edward Wang, the development of Liang's historiographical thought can be divided into two stages. First, Liang's 1902 ”New Historiography,” published in his New Citizen Journal, emphasized scientific, Enlightenment, and evolutionary vision of history. The second stage emerged in the 1920s, especially with the publication of Liang's Methods for the Study of Chinese History. Here he emphasized the uniqueness and multiplicity of history and culture and criticized the Western-centered, evolutionary historiography that he had earlier advocated. How did this change occur? In terms of external reasons, the impact of World War I and the influence of German historicism and Neo-Kantianism played crucial roles. Yet Liang's relationship with Chinese traditional scholarship also contributed to this change. This paper argues that Liang's ”new historiography” in both stages was based on the Buddhist and Confucian traditions to a considerable extent. Thus he not only introduced Western ideas but also sought convergence between Western ideas and concepts rooted in Chinese tradition. His efforts to establish a ”new historiography” cannot be separated from his lifetime search for ”modern” scholarship for China.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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