


Overseas Chinese and Modern China: New Perspectives on the 1905 Anti-American Movement




黃賢強(Wong Sin Kiong)


海外華人 ; 近代中國 ; 抵制美貨 ; 抗爭運動 ; Overseas Chinese ; modern China ; anti-American boycott ; protest movement




44期(2004 / 06 / 01)


31 - 62






Chinese, Japanese, and Western scholars who have done research on the 1905 Anti-American movement have primarily focused on the boycott campaigns in China proper. Scholars have neglected the involvement of the Chinese who lived overseas in the movement. This article first discusses why and how the Chinese overseas, especially those in America, British Malaya, and Australia, were involved in the boycott, which was first initiated in Shanghai, China. Second, it compares the different motives, participants, and characteristics of the movements in different Overseas Chinese communities. And third, it examines why the boycott movement was closely related to the anti-Manchu revolutionary movement and the collapse of the Qing dynasty. This article contends that the socio-political movements in modern China and among Overseas Chinese were closely interrelated. Nevertheless, the development and the characteristics of the boycotts in China differed from those in Overseas Chinese communities. Furthermore, each Overseas Chinese community had its own motive and style in its anti-American campaign, based on self-interest and local socio-political constraints. This article is based extensively on local source materials available in Overseas Chinese communities. Revisiting the 1905 boycott movement through the perspectives of Overseas Chinese raises new questions and issues in regard to the interpretation of the history of modern China in which Overseas Chinese were involved.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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