


On the Dispute over the Unified Opium Tax during the Late Qing




劉增合(Zeng-He Liu)


鴉片統稅 ; 清末財政 ; 中央與地方關係 ; 清末禁煙 ; the unified opium tax ; finances during the late Qing ; the relationship between the central and local authorities ; opium-banning in the late Qing




45期(2004 / 09 / 01)


53 - 104






Since the unified opium tax constituted the main part of public revenues during the late Qing and was closely connected with such reform enterprises as troop training, school building, and police affairs, the central and local authorities took its levy and use very seriously. Centering on the administrative power over this opium tax and its disbursement, grave friction arose between the provinces and the central government when a ban on opium was implemented from 1906 to 1911. While the provinces did their utmost to advocate their autonomous administrative power over the unified tax on local opium, the central government's Ministry of Finance was able to frustrate their efforts. As the opium-banning policy was carried out quickly, the opium tax then decreased even more. At that point the distribution of the unified opium tax became the focus of friction between the central and local authorities, among which Hunan and Yunnan provinces were especially conspicuous for the ferocity of their disputes. Thus two mutually related sources of local-central friction appeared in succession, making clear the lack of financial cooperation between the central and local authorities in the late Qing and pointing to antagonistic tendencies between them.

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