


An Exploration of the Relationship between Modern Chinese Government and Society: The Case of the Chinese Red Cross




張建俅(Chien-Chiu Chang)


紅十字會 ; 社團 ; 政府 ; 慈善事業 ; Red Cross Society ; society ; government ; philanthropy




47期(2005 / 03 / 01)


101 - 164




全國性社團在中國來說,是前所未有的事,對於政府乃至菁英分子來說,也是全新的經驗,因此雙方究竟如何進行互動,就民國歷史而言,具有獨特的意義。 以中國紅十字會這個個案來說,民國以來的政府,不斷地希望透過法令與相關的權力,加強對其控管。何以致此?簡單地說,北洋政府主要不滿的是上海方面藉由設立總辦事處與常議會,掌握了實權。北京總會的會長幾乎皆由出身外交舊官員出任,其慕後應有北洋政府的默許,甚至首肯,故單就北京總會而言,其與北洋政府之關係尚屬融洽。但北京總會在會內的權力,實際上是有名無實的,相應的北洋政府對於紅十字會的控制也是鞭長莫及。或許一方面由於權威不足,北京對地處上海的總辦事處與常議會莫可奈何,另一方面則可能是當時上海商人仍是該會最主要的經濟支柱,故北洋政府雖然曾試圖以直接發布人事任命,企圖介入並主導紅十字會的人事和運作,但最終仍然功虧一簣,以致於在整個北洋政府時期,對中國紅十字會實際上是無可奈何的。 北伐統一之初,國民政府對紅十字會並不友善,曾經拒絕同意任命新會長,並取消固有的優惠措施;後來更逐漸藉由紅十字會內部的人事糾紛,開始介入紅十字會的改組爭議,其間可能經由幫會勢力的推波助瀾,終於成功地壓制紅十字會內的傳統勢力。1934年,紅十字會的改組,象徵著國府勢力介入成功的開端,惟仍維持社團民主選舉的形式。抗戰中期以後,國府更直接將紅十字會納入軍管,至此所有人事均改為官派,直至今日,海峽兩岸的紅十字會,官派特色仍然不變。


Since nationwide voluntary societies were previously unknown in China, they represented a new experience for the government and elites as well, thus giving government-elites relations a unique significance in the history of the Republic of China. In the case of the Chinese Red Cross Society, various Republican governments hoped to reinforce their control over this organization through regulations and related powers. The Beijing governments were unhappy that the Red Cross' general office and standing council were in Shanghai. Most of the chairmen of the Chinese Red Cross Society headquarters in Beijing were nominated from former diplomats, who thus received at least implicit approval of Beijing; as a result, the Red Cross' Beijing headquarters maintained good relations with the Beijing governments. However, the Beijing headquarters was merely a nominal organization without any real powers, and the Chinese Red Cross Society remained outside the direct control of the Beijing governments. On the one hand, this was perhaps due to the Beijing governments' general lack of authority. On the other hand, it may have been due to the Red Cross' dependence on the contributions of local businessmen in Shanghai. Although the Beijing governments tried announcing personnel appointments directly and intervening in personnel arrangements and operations of the Chinese Red Cross Society, these efforts were in vain, and the Red Cross remained out of Bejing's control. After the unification of China in 1927, the Nationalist government was not friendly to the Red Cross, refusing to approve its new chairman and canceling all preferential treatment. The Nationalists then started to intervene in the Red Cross' reorganization, taking advantage of internal personnel disputes and finally, perhaps with the aid of underworld gangs, successfully suppressed the traditional power structure of the Chinese Red Cross Society. In 1934, the reorganization of the Red Cross signified the success of the Nationalist government's interventions, though the form of democratic elections was still maintained. During the war against Japan, the Nationalists put the Chinese Red Cross Society under direct control of the military, and since then all Red Cross officers have been appointed by the government. Indeed, for the officers of the Red Cross in Taiwan and China, appointment by government remains unchanged even today.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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