


When Mainlanders Met Taiwanese Women: Female Discourses in Postwar Taiwanese Newspapers and Magazines, 1945-1949




游鑑明(Chien-Ming Yu)


戰後台灣 ; 女性論述 ; 外省人 ; 台灣女性 ; postwar Taiwan ; female discourse ; Mainlanders ; Taiwanese women




47期(2005 / 03 / 01)


165 - 224






Studies of postwar Taiwan history primarily focus on the issue of the February 28(superscript th) incident or use political lenses to examine various questions. Furthermore, much historical work is shaped by ”Chinese-ification” (中國化) and de-Japanization notions. However, if this history is re-examined through female discourses in the public space, new aspects of postwar Taiwan are revealed. This paper obtained materials from twenty-four newspapers and magazines published in postwar Taiwan to examine such controversial problems as the images of Taiwanese women, prostitution, maids, and marriage. This article concludes that the media in postwar Taiwan provided women with an extensive space for voicing opinions. Whether they adopted a more official or a more popular stance, newspapers and magazines accommodated heterogeneous discourses. Though the discourses published in these media often lacked a common point of view and were often unfocused, repeated discussions gave these topics real substance. However, although the discourses formed by media representation and design could not fully reflect social reality, intersecting discussions emerged when newspapers and magazines of different types or time periods generated similar viewpoints on the same issue, and therefore partially reflected social reality. More importantly, the diverse aspects of these issues revealed not only aspects of the national identity problem in postwar Taiwan, but also interlocking relationships of gender, power, ethnicity, culture, and region. Many problems arose not only between native Taiwanese and Mainlanders (wai-sheng-ren, 外省人) but also among Mainlanders themselves. Therefore, this paper delineates the unstable transformations in relationships among gender, class, and power through the various identity questions in female discourse, concluding that although distinct ethnic, national, cultural, and regional identities emerged, these different identities were simultaneously negotiating and adapting to each other.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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