


The Shaping and Transformation of Business Culture: The Wing on Company in Shanghai in the Republican Period




連玲玲(Ling-Ling Lien)


郭樂 ; 郭泉 ; 郭琳爽 ; 關係網絡 ; 家長式管理 ; 永安公司 ; Guo Le ; Guo Quan ; Guo Linshuang ; social networks ; paternalism ; Wing On Company




49期(2005 / 09 / 01)


127 - 173






This paper uses the case of the Wing On Company to discuss how business culture was shaped and transformed in Republican Shanghai. Scholars of Chinese business enterprises have often emphasized cultural effects on business operations. Despite their different assessments, these scholars seem to suggest a time-honored pattern of articulating cultural traits, without noting how cultural impacts could change. By comparing how two generations of Wing On managers maintained, manipulated, and expanded social networks; how they recruited, trained, and managed employees; and how they perceived their roles in the Wing On Conglomerate, this article shows that cultural elements in fact meant different things to these entrepreneurs. Social networks, for instance, might mean indispensable resources in creating the enterprise for the first generation, while they could be burdens that weakened authority of the second generation. Thus the issue is not simply the existence of cultural traits in Chinese business, but exactly in what ways and to what extent they were articulated and manipulated.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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