


Modernized Economic Expansion and the Interregional Spread of Epidemics: Plague and Cholera in Shanghai and Manchuria, 1902-1932




胡成(Hu Cheng)


現代性經濟擴張 ; 上海 ; 東北 ; 鼠疫和霍亂 ; 跨區域流行 ; modernized economic expansion ; Shanghai and Manchuria plague and cholera ; interregional spread of epidemics




51期(2006 / 03 / 01)


91 - 129






This paper explores how epidemics spread across disparate regions more frequently and violently in the early twentieth-century than that in the nineteenth century. The interactions between environmental, ecological and unprecedented social and economic changes laid a new basis for epidemics to spread. Along with Manchuria, Shanghai had reached a state of great industrialization, becoming one of the most important bases for food supplies, industry, and mining in China. Meantime, plague and cholera swept across the nation several times. Unlike previous studies which have focused mainly on the affected areas and routes of the epidemics, this paper deals with the relationship between epidemics and socio-economic change. The impact that socio-economic change had on the interregional spread of epidemics can be examined from the following three aspects: first, the expansion of a regional economic system eliminated regional separation, which in turn accelerated the dissemination of epidemics; second, railways became the main form of transportation, which not only accelerated the spread of epidemics but also brought diseases to remote areas where transportation was previously unavailable; and third, the existence of a large floating population in urban areas under filthy conditions easily triggered the eruption of epidemics. In sum, before the twentieth century, the interregional spread of epidemics mainly resulted from wars and natural disasters (famine, floods, and so forth). In the twentieth century, however, socio-economic changes became the primary factor behind the dissemination of epidemics, and it also started a turning point in the history of diseases and life in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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