


The Transition in Late Qing Scholarship as Manifested in "Solid Learning"




王爾敏(Wang Erh-min)


實學 ; 實業 ; 丕但 ; 發牌衙門 ; 《實學報》 ; 王仁俊 ; "solid learning" ; business management ; commerce and agriculture ; patent ; patent office ; Journal for the Study of Science ; Wang Renjun




52期(2006 / 06 / 01)


19 - 51




思想演變速,學術轉型緩,兩者各具內涵特質。惟近代學術亦承受西方學術嚴重衝擊,思想多起激盪,學術亦備受西方學術之浸澈感染。鴉片戰後五十年,特別在中日甲午戰後,立即驅使學術上創生出一種「實學」,卻不同於清初儒生之所謂「實學」。自光緒2年至5年(1876-1879),廣州大吏、兩廣總督籌建「實學館」以教中國童子學習天文、算學、重學、電學、化學、光學。顯見這時「實學」內涵即相當於西方的science 。到甲午戰後(1895),國人深具反省,遂至而有翰林王仁俊創刊《實學報》,湖南學政江標創刊《湘學新報》,鼓吹提倡「實學」。王仁俊所倡之實學內涵,包括:天學、地學、人學、物學,江標所倡設說的實學內涵,包括:算學、商學、掌故之學、興地之學、交涉之學。二人之共同點,則是絕不再重視經學,使此沿貫三千年的學術主體,從此被放棄不用。而轉向於完全轉換內涵的實學,正是表現這個時代走上學術轉型之第一步。


Intellectual developments may occur quickly while changes in scholarship are slower; the content of each has its own character. Because modern Chinese scholarship bore the assault of Western scholarship, traditional Chinese thought underwent numerous disturbances and Chinese scholarship also came to be thoroughly imbued with Western scholarship. The fifty years following the Opium War, and especially after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, quickly led to the emergence of a kind of "solid learning" in scholarship, but one that differed from the so-called "solid learning" of early Qing scholars. Between 1876 and 1879, high officials in Guangzhou and the Liangguang governor-general planned the establishment of an "office of solid learning" in order to teach Chinese children astronomy, mathematics, physics, electricity, chemistry, and optics. It is thus clear that at this time the scope of "solid learning" was virtually equivalent to that of Western "science." By the time of the Sino-Japanese War (1895), Chinese had deeply reflected on the situation. The Hanlin scholar Wang Renjun thus founded the Journal for the Study of Science, and the Hunan school director Jiang Biao founded the New Journal of Hunan Learning to promote "solid learning" or science. The "solid learning" promoted by Wang Renjun included astronomy, geography/geology, humanities, and biology/physics. The "solid learning" promoted by Jiang Biao included mathematics, business, historical stories, geography, and communication. What the two men shared was a complete disdain for classical learning, and so the previous three-thousand-years-old scholarly mainstream was henceforth abandoned. The turn toward a "solid learning" whose content was completely transformed marked the first step of a transition in scholarship at this time.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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