


Visual Technologies and the Representation of Footbinding in Late-Qing China




苗延威(Yen-Wei Miao)


纏足/反纏足 ; 視覺科技 ; 攝影 ; X光 ; 博覽會 ; footbinding/anti-footbinding ; visual technologies ; exhibitions ; radiography ; photography




55期(2007 / 03 / 01)


1 - 45






In modem textual and visual narratives, ”footbinding” symbolizes China's backwardness and barbarism. Traditionally viewed as a symbol of chastity, ethnicity, feminity, and the cultivated taste of the higher classes, the millennium-long practice of footbinding dramatically declined as soon as it was seen as a cultural stigma and accordingly evoked new intellectuals' ”anxiety of being (seen as) barbarian” at the turn of the twentieth century. This article argues that ocularcentric modernity played a significant role in the process whereby the civility/barbarism discourses about footbinding became reversed. It examines how the hegemonic technologies of seeing-such as journalism, photography, radiography (X-ray), and exhibitions-challenged the cultural invisibility of footbinding and visualized what had been concealed under the binding cloths. Under the ”imperial gaze,” eventually, footbinding was constructed, represented, and displayed by foreign (and later, native) power elites as something evil, in accordance with the episteme of vision: pathologically, disease and filthiness; colonial-anthropologically, markers of barbarism; and aesthetically, hideous taste in beauty. These constructions reflected the scientific interest in human bodies, especially colonial bodies, of the imperial nations of the nineteenth century, invented a ”convertible” image of the ”modern” body for those who desired an identity of modernity, and contributed to the formation of an indigenous movement that sought to abolish the shameful spectacle of footbinding.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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