


Reflections on Modern Chinese Historiography at the Age of Postmodernism




汪榮祖(Young-Tsu Wong)


中國現代史學 ; 西洋現代史學 ; 後現代思潮 ; 新文化史 ; modern Chinese historiography ; modern Western historiography ; postmodernism ; new cultural history




56期(2007 / 06 / 01)


143 - 192






Despite their own long historiographical tradition, Chinese historians by and large entered the modern era and are following the West's lead. Although none of Leopold von Ranke's major works were rendered into Chinese, the German historian's positivistic view of history and methods left undeniably influenced modern Chinese historians, who dutifully cherished archival sources and evidential research. But just as Chinese historians re-oriented themselves and faithfully sought scientific, objective, truthful history, historians in the West started changing course. Objective truth in the Rankian mode was being questioned, and at last ”that noble dream” was broken. Since the 1980s, moreover, the postmodern view of history, which proclaims the end of historical objectivity and empirical research, had turned the world of modern Chinese historiography upside down. A nightmare in effect followed the broken dream. Modern Chinese historians now face an unavoidable question: whether they should slavishly follow the West’s lead or start thinking of history as a discipline of their own by taking a new look at the long Chinese tradition of historical thought and writing. The tradition of Chinese historiography, having arguably lasted several thousand years, is a distinct cultural legacy, and it deserves reconsideration through the perspective of cultural pluralism. By looking back, however, does not mean to ignore the modern West. Postmodernism, however devastating, seems to have positively inspired many excellent studies in the flourishing field of new cultural history. Reconsideration of traditional Chinese history in reference to theories and methods cherished by new cultural historians may launch modem Chinese historiography on the road toward fruitful research and writing.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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