


Discussing Heroes in Huaxi: An Analysis of the Personnel Affairs of the Third Department of the Aides' Office of the National Military Council




馮啟宏(Chi-Hung Feng)


侍從室第三處 ; 陳果夫 ; 蔣介石 ; 國民黨 ; 人事 ; Third Department of the Aides' Office of the National Military Council ; Chen Guofu ; Chaing Kai-shek ; Kuomintang ; personnel affairs




57期(2007 / 09 / 01)


119 - 164




近幾年來,開始有研究民國史的學者注意到「軍事委員會侍從室」這個抗戰時期的重要幕僚機構。只是,這些學者有興趣的課題,主要是針對侍從室在軍事及政治決策過程中所扮演的角色,而忽略了侍從室所負責的另一重要工作項目,此即由侍從室第三處所負責人,行政業務。 侍三處成立於民國28年7月8日,其負責人(主任)是被外界指為國民黨重要派系―CC系的領導人陳果夫。其下編制最初設有四組,依頗侍一,二處之組序排列,分別為七、八、九、十組。各組負責的業務是:第七組主管人事「調查」,第八組「登記」,第九組「考核」,第十組「分配」,幾乎包括當時政府機構內的人事業務。本文所要析探的對象,就是這個號稱戰時中國最高人事幕僚機構的侍三處之組織概況、人事背景及實際運作情形,並檢討其成效得失。


In recent years, scholars examining the history of Republican China have begun to pay attention to the Aides's Office of the National Military Council, an important staff agency during the Anti-Japanese War. Nevertheless, these scholars have so far mainly focused on the role the Office played in the processes of making military and political decisions, and have neglected an important task of the Aides' Office, that is, the establishment of the Kuomintang's Documentation of Personnel, which was initiated by Third Department of the Aides' Office. The Office was set up on July 8. 1939. The director, Chen Guofu, was regarded as the leader of CC Clique, an important faction within the Kuomintang. The Office was divided into four groups, namely group 7, group 8. group 9, and group 10, in charge of personnel ”investigation,” ”registration,” ”examination.” and ”allocation” respectively-which included almost all the personnel matters of the various organs of the government. Moreover, the Third Department also assisted Kuomintang in building dossiers that included as many as one hundred thousand personnel files. This article explores this, the so-called highest personnel staff organization during the war, in terms of its organization, the backgrounds of its members, and its actual operations, as well as offering a discussion of its subsequent effects and results.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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