


The Acquisition of Foreign Currency by the Fu Chung and Yang Tze Development Corporations: The Debates and the Truth




鄭會欣(Hwei-Shing Cheng)


中央日報 ; 孚中實業公司 ; 揚子建業公司 ; 套購外匯 ; 陸鏗 ; Central Daily News ; Fu Chung Corporation ; Yang Tze Development Corporation ; acquisition of foreign currency ; Lu Keng




61期(2008 / 09 / 01)


61 - 95






On July 29, 1947, The Central Daily News, an official organ of the Kuomintang, suddenly published an article on page 4 about the H. H. Kung and T. V. Soong families' exploitation of their control of the Fu Chung and Yang Tze Development Corporations to acquire a large amount of foreign currency. Immediately, the news stirred up a huge debate and reaction both inside and outside the country. However, two days later. The Central Daily News published a small announcement on the same page. saying that the previous article had misplaced a digit, thus decreasing the amount of foreign currency in question by a factor of 100, and preventing the outbreak of a potential political crisis. Forty years later, the two reporters who witnessed the event both wrote their memoirs, thus reintroducing this affair back into the limelight and attracting attention from academia interested in evidence on corruption on the part of the Kung and Soong families. This article, conducting a logical analysis based on a large amount of original documents referring to the financial policies and actual trades at that time, as well as examining relevant memoirs, comes to the following conclusions. First, The Central Daily News did accurately copy the Financial and Economic Departments' documents, and the original story was not fabricated. Second, The Central Daily News changed the context of the news when it was first published. But third, the original document contained the digit decimal as reported in the article, and it was not corrected afterwards. Finally, the author concludes with his views as to whether this event was a planned action or a mere accident.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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