


Translation in the Macartney Embassy to China




王宏志(Lawrence Wang-Chi Wong)


馬戛爾尼使團 ; 翻譯研究 ; 朝貢制度 ; Macartney mission ; translation studies ; tributary system




63期(2009 / 03 / 01)


97 - 145






In 1792, George Lord Macartney was sent by King George of Great Britain to visit Emperor Qianlong to open the tightly closed door of China. Unfortunately, this first encounter of the two greatest powers on earth was a complete failure, and Macartney, after meeting the emperor briefly a couple of times, left empty-handed. Western and Chinese historians have tried to identify the reasons for this failure from a variety of perspectives. This article looks into a key issue that has long been neglected: the translation activities that took place during the mission. It demonstrates that translation played a vital role throughout the mission. This article begins by looking at the primary materials that tell us much about the qualifications of the translators of both sides; it then moves on to analyze the translations themselves. This article shows that the performance of the translators and their translations seriously affected the outcome of the embassy, in particular in relation to the tributary issue.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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