


The Dispute between the Holy See and France over the Protectorate in China at the End of the 1920s-A Discussion Centered on the Apostolic Delegate Celso Costantini




陳聰銘(Alexander Tsung-Ming Chen)


剛恆毅 ; 中梵關係 ; 法國保教權 ; 政教協定 ; 庇護十一世 ; Celso Costantini ; Sino-Vatican Relationship ; French Protectorate ; Concordat ; Pius XI




65期(2009 / 09 / 01)


51 - 79






The French Protectorate showed signs of decline beginning from the 1920s, and appeared on the verge of collapse after the consecration of the first six Chinese bishops in Rome by Pope Pius XI in 1926. This article explores the topic by looking at the accomplishments of the Northern Expedition of the Nationalists from mid-1928 to March 1929. The actions of the Apostolic Delegate, Celso Costantini, constitute the central part of this study, allowing us to discern the basic features of the dispute between the Holy See and France over the French Protectorate in China. This article demonstrates the processes by which France exercised its influence to incessantly oppose the plan of a Concordat between China and the Holy See. Three major issues are explored: the policies of the Holy See and France toward the Protectorate, the reasons of the failure of the plan of the Concordat, and Costantini's achievements during this period.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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