


Habituating the Four Virtues: Ethics, Family, and the Body in the Anti-Tuberculosis Campaigns and the New Life Movement




雷祥麟(Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei)


新生活運動 ; 肺結核 ; 習慣 ; 禮義廉恥 ; 道德革命 ; New Life Movement ; tuberculosis ; hygienic habits ; moral revolution ; family reform




74期(2011 / 12 / 01)


133 - 177






This article argues that three seemingly unrelated movements in the early Republic in fact had a shared target—the Chinese family. First, in contradiction to the conventional wisdom about the New Life Movement, the ”Four Virtues” (li, yi, lian, chi) it promoted had never been part of the core virtues of the traditional Chinese culture, but rather represented a new invention created by the movement's advocates to replace what they regarded as the family-oriented traditional moral system. By doing so, the New Life Movement in fact carried on the moral revolution of public virtues that had been started by Liang Qichao in the late Qing period. Second, in their endeavor to solve China's tuberculosis crisis, public health advocates in the 1930s framed tuberculosis as a disease of the Chinese family. Instead of being considered a social disease, tuberculosis was discussed in terms of personal hygiene and the allegedly pathogenic structure of the Chinese family. Given that the New Culture Movement had already criticized the Chinese family as the ”source of all vice,” we can see that these three movements shared a framework that regarded the Chinese family not as the key source of values but as the origin of all vices, the cause of diseases, and a threat to citizens' health and individuality. Sharing this broader contempt for the Chinese family, tuberculosis prevention stressed individual hygienic habits aimed at preventing the disease's transmission-habits that were instrumental in generating and justifying a new sort of moral system. On the one hand, this new morality caused individuals to feel the need to maintain a critical distance toward family members in order to avoid tuberculosis infection. On the other hand, it caused them to develop a moral responsibility for the wellbeing of anonymous fellow citizens (by way of abstaining from spitting on the street for example). By promoting these hygienic habits and hence this new moral structure, the New Life Movement pursued the political objective of making the Chinese people distance themselves from their family and re-integrating them into the emerging nation-state. Moreover, as a specific set of moral behaviors or ”habits,” these personal hygienic practices represented the rise of a new technology of the individual, i.e., ”habituating morality.” Recent scholarship has rightly drawn our attention to the trope of ”awakening” China, which focuses on people's structure of consciousness, but it is perhaps equally useful to uncover the history of habituating the body.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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