
制度擴散與在地化:蘭安生(John B. Grant)在北京的公共衛生試驗,1921-1925


Institutional Diffusion and Localization: John B. Grant's Public Health Experiments in Beijing, 1921-1925


杜麗紅(Li-Hong Du)


洛克菲勒基金會 ; 制度擴散 ; 在地化 ; 公共衛生 ; Rockefeller Foundation ; institutional diffusion ; localization ; public health




86期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 47






In 1921 John B. Grant was sent to China by the International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, thus furthering the institutional diffusion of American public health policies in Beijing. To gain the support of the Foundation, Grant proposed opening a health department in the Union Medical College and setting up a health center to practice medicine and train health workers based on clinical and preventive medicine. In 1924, the Foundation agreed to give him financial support. Grant took advantage of his existing social networks to set up a public health station under the auspices of the Police Department. Grant controlled the station's finances and personnel, which ensured that the station adhered to the principles of scientific medicine. The station fundamentally influenced institutional changes to public health services across Beijing, representing both institutional diffusion and localization. It had to obey the basic principles of the Foundation lest it lose financial support, while it had to meet the requirement of the local government lest it lose political support.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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