
從自我書寫到公眾展演:艾佩琪(Peggy Abkhazi)的戰時日記


From Self-Writing to Public Performance: Peggy Abkhazi's Wartime Diary


連玲玲(Ling-Ling Lien)


日記 ; 太平洋戰爭 ; 敵國人集團生活所 ; 集中營 ; 上海外國人 ; diary ; the Pacific War ; Alien Civilian Assembly Center ; concentrate camp ; Shanghailander




86期(2014 / 12 / 01)


49 - 93




本文以艾佩琪(Peggy Abkhazi, 1902-1994)為例,分析日記的書寫與流通如何影響自我的建構。二十世紀初出生於上海的英籍婦女艾佩琪,在太平洋戰爭期間被拘禁於上海龍華的「敵國人集團生活所」,此乃日軍在古領區內針對交戰國的非戰門人員所設置的收容所,以杜絕任何抵抗或通敵行為。珍珠港事變一爆發,艾佩琪便立志為這個時代留下見證,並一直持續到戰爭結束,因此這部日記可謂其戰爭經驗、尤其是拘禁時期的生活紀錄。不同於一般將日記視為擷取資訊的資料庫,本文的研究重點乃在於日記如何成為戰時日常生活的一部份,以及它對日記作者的意義。後來這部日記在1980年代以後,分別在加拿大及英國出版共三次;由於出版過程影響日記的解讀方式,因此本文也探討日記作者如何透過出版來自我展演、進而重新定義自己的角色。日記出版之後,它又成為「上海外國人」主張集體記憶的文本,並成為艾佩琪新移民地的地方認同文本。整體而言,本文希望藉由多層次地閱讀日記,探索更多日記研究的可能性。


This article analyzes Peggy Abkhazi's diary to examine how journal writing affected self-construction. Born in early twentieth-century Shanghai, the British woman Peggy Abkhazi was interned in the Civil Assembly Center (CAC) in Shanghai during the Pacific War (194 1-1945). During her internment, she recorded details of her daily life in the CAC until the end of the war. Rather than using the diary as a source to reconstruct the organization of the CAC, this article examines the action of keeping a journal: how journal-keeping became part of daily life during the war and what it meant to the diarist. Published three times since the 1980s, Peggy Abkhazi's diary served not only to unveil a wartime story but also to rebuild the collective memory of the so-called Shanghailanders as well as strengthen the local identity of new immigrants. Tracing the multi-layered history of diary writing and publishing, this article explores new ways of studying diaries.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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