


New Research on the Postwar Rice Shortage Problem in Taiwan (1945-1946)


蘇瑤崇(Yao-Chong Su)


二二八事件 ; 行政院善後救濟總署 ; 聯合國善後救濟總署 ; 臺灣省行政長官公署 ; 臺灣總督府 ; The 228 Incident ; Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (CNRRA) ; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) ; Office of Taiwan Province Governor General ; Government General of Taiwan




86期(2014 / 12 / 01)


95 - 134






Taiwan experienced a period of serious rice shortage after World War II (1945-1946). The Taiwan government was very corrupt and could not deal with the rice shortage; people's anger thus erupted and finally led to the outbreak of the 2-28 Incident in 1947. Because of the 2-28 Incident, the problem of rice shortages in the postwar period has been a very important historical issue. Many researchers have worked on the issue; however, they did not use the firsthand materials and their conclusions have led to misunderstandings or wrong explanations. For example, one study concluded that the rice shortage was caused by the Japanese government because the government distributed rice to Japanese soldiers. Conversely, another stated that the Taiwan government worked hard to solve the shortage. The above examples are just two of earlier scholars' incorrect conclusion s. Based on direct investigation of the materials of the Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, this article carefully considers the real reasons why the rice shortage occurred in the postwar period, what measures the government took to solve the problem, and why it failed.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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