


The Emergence of a Civic Architecture: Discourses and Practices of Public Libraries in Late Qing and Early Republican China


賴德霖(De-Lin Lai)


中國近代建築 ; 圖書館運動 ; 國立北平圖書館 ; 公民建築 ; 古德塞爾 ; modern Chinese architecture ; modern library movement ; National Peking Library ; civic architecture ; Charles T. Goodsell




88期(2015 / 06 / 01)


95 - 150




目前中國近代圖書館史研究的方法主要有二,一是圖書館學視角的研究,它關注圖書館在書籍使用與管理方面的進步;二是建築學視角的研究,它關注圖書館建築設計、建造的歷史以及風格和技術的轉變。本文試圖整合這兩方面的研究,並將中國近代圖書館史擴展為一種社會政治和文化實踐影響下之建築類型史甚至空間史的研究。在此,本文首先討論近代以來士紳∕知識分子階層以知識為手段,改革社會的努力對於中國現代圖書館話語形成與實踐的影響。在此基礎上,本文將繼續討論兩個建築學問題,即轉型過程中傳統建築以及士紳生活體驗,對二十世紀早期中國主要公共圖書館空間格局的影響;以及西方圖書館學原理影響下,中國新的公共圖書館空間對讀者與藏書關係的考量。之後,本文將以中國最重要的國家圖書館—國立北平圖書館—為例,討論保存國粹的理念如何體現在該館設計上。此外,在表達士紳階層現代化理想的同時,圖書館所體現的社會、文化和政治關懷也符合政府和其他社會團體的利益,乃至西方人士文明化的願望,因而曾獲得超乎大多數其他建築類型更為廣泛的社會支持與贊助。有鑑於此,本文還將重新反思古德塞爾(Charles T. Goodsell)所定義的「公民空間」概念。


This article focuses on both library science and architcture to examine the design of the modern libraries in China in light of social and cultural practice. First, I discuss how reformers who sought to disseminate new knowledge influenced the discourses and practices of modern libraries during the late imperial and early republican period. Second, I examine the influence of traditional Chinese architecture and the life experiences of scholar-gentry on the spatial layout, and the reader-book relationship of a number of major public libraries, with a special focus on the National Peking Library as a preserver of national cultural heritage. Libraries also embodied social and cultural concerns that reflected the interests of governments at various levels, as well as those of cultural institutions and social groups (including Westerners in China). Library construction thus won broad social support and diversified patronage that was unparalleled with any other building type in modern China. I conclude with a reexamination of the notion of "civic space," which should not be limited to state-owned architecture as Charles T. Goodsell defines it.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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