


Art as Commodity: The Commercial Aspects of Suzhou Single-Sheet Prints in the Early and Middle Qing Dynasty


王正華(Cheng-Hua Wang)


蘇州版畫 ; 藝術與商業 ; 蘇州藝術產業 ; 中歐藝術交流 ; Suzhou prints ; art as commodity ; art industry of Suzhou ; Sino-European artistic interactions




92期(2016 / 06 / 01)


1 - 54






This study investigates the production and consumption of extant Suzhou single-sheet prints in order to gain a comprehensive picture of the art industry that made them a popular product. The issues dealt with include when and where these prints were produced, the business and marketing strategies of the print workshops that produced them, and the consumption of such low-end artistic works in early-modern China. These prints were mostly produced from the 1660s to the early nineteenth century in at least two concentrated areas inside the city of Suzhou. These prints exist to this day in great quantities (300 by a conservative estimate). Despite their popularity, they are scarcely remarked in textual records. Nonetheless, this study is able to explore the commercial aspect of these prints, treating them as highly commoditized and in-stock artworks sold by the print workshops that produced them and the specialized shops that carried pictures. These prints, likely one of the famous local products of Suzhou, circulated widely in China but stood on the bottom rung of the ladder of artworks. Moreover, these prints represent an artistic interaction between China and Europe as well as China and Japan in the early modern period, being exported and also displaying European stylistic features.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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