


Eliminating Abuses: The Grain Management System in Gansu, 1736-1755


張繼瑩(Chi-ying Chang)


倉儲 ; 乾隆初期 ; 甘肅 ; 買補 ; grain system ; the early period of Qianlong ; Gansu ; grain purchasing




94期(2016 / 12 / 01)


41 - 76






Taking Gansu as an example, this article explores how local officials used unified policies to resolve the problems of implentation faced by localities and the court. In the early Qianlong period, the Gansu government had to face such conditions as the effects on local markets of decreases in military supplies, national grain policy changes that affected Gansu's grain storage system, and fierce debates among provincial and national officials that may have hurt local granary systems. These factors all led to abuses in Gansu. Local officials were able to eliminate such abuses in the granary system and convince the Emperor and Ministry of Revenue to give their official approval. However, Qianlong and the Ministry of Revenue sought a universal policy throughout the country, which threatened to obstruct the development of Gansu's granary system. In dealing with their problems local officials submitted to the national policy but also made every effort to seek the emperor's and the ministry's agreement to earlier policies. Although local officials solved the abuses under the unified national system, their short-term expedients became sources of corruption in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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