


Spatial Features of Temple Destruction Campaigns in Modern Chinese Cities


康豹(Paul R. Katz);陳亭佑


寺廟破壞運動 ; 上海 ; 溫州 ; 城市指南 ; temple destruction campaigns ; Shanghai ; Wenzhou ; urban guidebooks




95期(2017 / 03 / 01)


1 - 37






This study explores how temple destruction campaigns shaped spatial aspects of religious life in modern Chinese cities. Previous scholarship has focused on top-down efforts to reform local cults and eradicate "superstition," but we still know little about how this played out in Chinese cities. This article begins by summarizing background information about temple destruction campaigns undertaken in urban areas during the modern era. This is followed by an analysis of such campaigns according to two different conceptual frameworks. The first, based on a case study of Shanghai using archival sources and urban guidebooks, examines how temples were positioned in urban landscapes. The second, focusing on Wenzhou and its environs, considers how the impact of temple destruction campaigns could differ by area. The article's conclusion assesses this data in light of larger changes in urban religious ecology. Urban networks of ascriptive temples and their territorial festivals tended to be more deeply impacted by anti-superstition policies and urban modernization, while pilgrimages fared better. In addition, the dynamism of modern urban religious life favored entrepreneurial shrines; many urban mediums had their own shrines, usually located in rented shops or street-level apartments.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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