


Juntian Tunyong on the Nineteenth-Century Hunan Miao Frontier


李文良(Lee Wen-liang)


邊疆 ; 屯田制度 ; 乾嘉變革 ; 軍事化 ; 地方財政 ; Hunan Miao frontier ; military-agriculture land system (tuntian) ; Qianlong-Jiaqing transition ; militarization




102期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36






Social disturbances occurred over the whole of the Miao frontier at the turn of the nineteenth century. The Qianlong Emperor attributed the disturbances to the encroachments of Miao lands by Han settlers. Han encroachments, according to the emperor, impoverished the Miao people and, therefore, provoked antagonism between Han and Miao. The Qianlong Emperor attempted to restore the social order by implementing Ming arrangements. He instructed local officials to separate the Miao and Han people and return lands illegally occupied by Han to the Miao. As the expectation of the court sometimes conflicted with the social realities of the frontier, the local officials used the military-agriculture land system (tuntian) as a historical precedent to formulate the system known as juntian tunyong. The present article argues that it was in order to fulfill the needs of both the court and local society that the local officials formulated, executed, and further expanded the juntian tunyong system. They ultimately developed an ostensibly uniform system and applied it to the whole Miao frontier because it was a system that in fact allowed considerable flexibility.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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