From the 1920s to the end of the Japanese occupation in 1945, Chinese law enforcement in Beijing regularly arrested Korean expatriates for producing and selling semi-synthetic drugs, especially heroin (or "white powder," as it was called by local Chinese residents). Police investigations show that Korean drug dealers profited from the rapidly growing demand for semi-synthetic drugs from the city's lower-class residents; while reaping profits from addiction, Koreans also made inroads into other types of urban criminality, ranging from fencing and gambling to human trafficking. As this article traces Koreans' criminal enterprises in wartime Beijing through archival materials, it also utilizes geographic information systems technology (GIS) to map their criminal footprint. The GIS mapping enables a more systematic approach to the social and criminal history that highlights the relationship between drug dealing and other forms of urban activities (such as prostitution, food services, popular entertainment, and poverty). The article demonstrates that, unlike many urban entertainment facilities that were concentrated and shared street space and customers, drug dens were scattered throughout residential neighborhoods. Such spatial distribution made the drug trade less detectable by law enforcement but incited greater fear among Chinese residents as they witnessed suspicious individuals attracted by the drug dens in their neighborhood. Exacerbating Chinese residents' fears, Korean drug dealers sojourning in wartime Beijing were subjects of the Japanese colonial empire and thus protected by the Japanese consulate, which insulated them from the Chinese legal system. By studying how Koreans built and operated in the urban criminal underworld, this article examines the ways Chinese authorities, in the face of Japanese aggression and occupation, dealt with colonial Korea in daily administration. Moreover, this article argues that drug dealing by Koreans helped to translate a political crisis of damaged judicial sovereignty into a bodily experience and nurture a form of biological nationalism among Beijing's Chinese residents.
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