


Taxes, Prices, and Local and Foreign Merchants: The Cigarette Tax System during the Great Depression, 1929-1937


于廣(Yu Guang)


稅收 ; 華商 ; 洋商 ; 捲煙稅制 ; 經濟危機 ; cigarettes ; tax system ; Chinese local merchants ; foreign merchants ; Great Depression




111期(2021 / 03 / 01)


67 - 112






The Great Depression that occurred in the United States during the 1930s affected the international gold and silver monetary system, which exacerbated the turmoil of the Chinese economy. The Nanjing Government sought to ensure tax income stability during the economic crisis. The tobacco tax was an important source of income for the government and underwent seven reforms. Previous research has only examined the two tax agreements between the British and American Tobacco Company and the Nanjing Government, and the selective reports of local merchants and media at that time, ignoring the factor of cigarette prices. As a result, scholars have concluded that the reforms were all dominated by BAT. In fact, the tobacco tax system in this period was a ranking system. The government used changes in tax levels to manipulate the tobacco tax rate and adjusted the tax between the specific tax and the ad valorem tax according to the fluctuation of cigarette prices. This guaranteed a steady increase of taxation income. The changes in the tax system greatly affected both local and foreign merchants. However, reports of "inequality between local and foreign" and national sentiment caused Chinese merchants to ignore the similar demands of foreign merchants, arousing their hostility and leading to passivity in official negotiations. After the proposal for tax reform was rejected, local and foreign merchants adopted different strategies to deal with the economic crisis and the tobacco tax system.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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