


The Building of Shanghai's Early International Links: Westerners' Hydrographic Surveys and Navigational Facilities between the Yangtze River Mouth and Shanghai, 1843-1858


游博清(Yu Po-ching)


上海 ; 水文調查 ; 導航措施 ; 航道安全 ; Shanghai ; hydrographic survey ; navigation measures ; navigation safety




114期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 39




上海自1843年開埠後,以其優越的地理位置,短時間內對外商貿大幅增長。然而在長江出海口與上海部分水域,西式船隻不時發生擱淺與船難事故。為保障航行安全和商貿利益,以英國為主的西方人士相當重視水文調查和建置導航設施。英國海軍經過1843-1846年間的調查,初步建構長江出海口和黃浦江下游的水文知識,包含沿途重要航行地標、航道周邊淺灘、暗沙、隱石所在,以及潮汐基本變化,並向上海官方建言設立燈船、浮標、標杆等導航設施。不過,或因缺乏經驗和中國官方未特別重視,實施效果並不顯著。1850年代,西人持續監測和分析水文資訊,增加對潮汐運動模式、長江口海底地形、吳淞內沙淤積變化和上海各月氣候差異的認知。1854年7月,英、美、法成功設立「關務監督委員會」(Board of Inspectors),取得督導上海海關洋關事務和重要文件同意權的實質權力,積極採取西方制度,進行港務管理。在接連幾次船運事件以及《北華捷報》等英文媒體的輿論督促後,西人檢討缺失,從1855-1857年初陸續建置更為可靠的導航設施,包含更換燈船人員和設備、向英國購進特製浮標、以磚塔取代標杆、制定更周全的引水章程等,明顯提升航行安全。1843-1858年間,西人對長江口至上海之間的水文調查與導航設施建置,為上海的後續發展奠定基礎。


The trade of Shanghai grew rapidly following its opening as a treaty port in 1843 due to its excellent geographical position. However, for Western ships, some waters from the mouth of the Yangtze River to Shanghai were difficult to navigate. Shipwrecks and strandings took place from time to time. The Westerners, mainly the British, in order to promote the safety of navigation and their trade interests, put considerable emphasis on hydrographic surveys and navigational facilities. First, the British Navy carried out hydrographic surveys of the mouth of the Yangtze River and the lower reaches of the Huangpu River, including important navigational landmarks, shallow banks, dark sand, hidden rocks, and tidal changes. Westerners suggested that Shanghai officials to set up navigation measures such as light vessels, buoys, and beacons, but due to lack of experience and lack of special attention from Chinese officials, implementation was not very effective. Then, in the 1850s, Westerners continued to monitor and analyze hydrological information, increasing their knowledge of tidal patterns, the submarine topography of the Yangtze estuary, changes in siltation of Woosung bars, and seasonal changes. In July 1854, Britain, the United States, and France successfully established the Board of Inspectors, which followed the Western system in the management of port affairs. Further safety facilities were built in the late 1850s, including more comprehensive pilotage regulations. The Westerners' hydrographic surveys and navigational facilities around Shanghai during this period were crucial for Shanghai's subsequent development.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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