


Holding Schools Accountable: The "Bankruptcy of Education" Narrative and Centralized Graduation Examination Experiments in 1920s and 1930s China


徐兆安(Shiuon Chu)


考試 ; 學校 ; 科舉 ; 會考制度 ; 國家式權力 ; examinations ; schooling ; imperial examination system ; Centralized Graduation Examination ; statist power




116期(2022 / 06 / 01)


47 - 95






Since the introduction of the modern school system in the New Policy Reforms of the early 1900s, two distinctive approaches to education-examination oriented and school oriented-came in competition with one another. In the traditional system oriented to the imperial examination (keju) before 1905, the major goal of education was to pass examinations and earn the respective titles (gongming) that qualified their holders to government offices. Residency at academies or other institutions of education was thus virtually irrelevant. However, in the modern system of schooling, students registered in specific schools and they needed to advance through the year-grade system until graduation. This competition between the two approaches persisted beyond the 1905 abolition of the imperial examination system. By the 1920s, seeing problems in the modern educational system, critics advocated the use of external examinations to hold schools accountable in terms of efficiency. An education system with external examination, its advocates argued, also provided students with alternatives to regular schooling, which was costly in terms of the tuition paid to schools and the time consumed by the year-grade system. After experimental policies were conducted in the 1920s, this vision of external examinations was eventually institutionalized as the Centralized Graduation Examination System (huikao) under the Nanjing Nationalist Government in 1932. The huikao system, however, deviated from the ideal of independent assessment of schools and flexibility for students. The Nationalist Government relied on the cooperation of schools for the administrative and logistic arrangements of the huikao, rendering independent assessment of efficiency of the schools impossible. As well, declining to bear the burden of arranging placements for huikao candidates, the Ministry of Education, along with other examination authorities, lacked the means to incentivize voluntary participation in the external examination. In the end, coercion-either by police forces or legal administrative devices-became necessary the sustain the huikao. As these practical problems dissolved the possibility of a sustainable external examination system thoroughly independent from schools, the institutionalization of huikao in the 1930s ironically reconciled the longstanding competition between orders of examination-oriented and school-oriented education.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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