


Japanese Relief and the Qing Government's Handling of Foreign Affairs during the Period of the Ding-wu Disaster


姜博(Jiang Bo)


丁戊奇荒 ; 境外捐賑 ; 日本商界 ; 在日華商 ; 外政秩序 ; Ding-wu Disaster ; overseas relief ; Japanese merchants ; Chinese merchants in Japan ; foreign affairs in the Qing dynasty




120期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 40






In the early years of the reign of the Guangxu Emperor (r. 1875-1908), the Ding-wu Disaster 丁戊奇荒 occurred in North China, and in response, the US, the UK, Japan, and many Southeast Asian countries all participated in relief programs. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the aid activities of Western countries and overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia while ignoring those of Japan. At the onset of the disaster, the Consulate-General of Japan in Shanghai called on Japanese merchants and community organizations in China to make donations, but because the relief funds were subsumed under "foreign relief" 洋賑, which was dominated by the participating Western countries, it failed to attract widespread attention from Chinese society. Subsequently, with government support, Japanese merchants initiated fundraising activities in Japan, using the donations to purchase rice and other grains in Japan and ship the goods to Tianjin. During this process, they adopted a "localization" strategy that meant relying on Chinese local governments to provide the relief while highlighting Japanese identity and agency, efforts which successfully caught the attention of Chinese authorities. In addition, the Qing dynasty mission in Japan raised donations from Chinese merchants in Japan, which was met with an enthusiastic response. Once the funds were collected, the merchants actively used contacts with the mission to assist in transferring the aid to the domestic administrative system. The Qing government then commended them according to the official reward system 旌表, showing that the Chinese merchants in Japan were equally treated to the native Chinese in their contributions. This article indicates that both the Japanese and Chinese merchants chose separate routes to realize their relief activities, but within their respective paths, closely collaborated with the Qing government. The Qing government was thus able to effectively respond to their needs due to the growing geopolitical influence of Japan in the late 1870s, and a new Chinese political system dealing with foreign affairs emerged.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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