SMG-Working papers
Akbar, H.(2003).Knowledge levels and their transformation: Towards the integration of knowledge and individual learning.Journal of Management Studies,40(8),1997-2021.
Almeida, P.,Kogut, B.(1999).Localization of knowledge and mobility of engineers in regional networks.Management Science,45(7),905-917.
Argote, L.(1999).Organizational learning: Creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge.Norwell, MA:Kluwer.
Argote, L.,Ingram, P.,Levine, J. M.,Moreland, R. L.(2000).Knowledge transfer in organizations: Learning from the experience of others.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process,82(1),1-8.
Argote, L.,McEvily, B.,Reagans, R.(2003).Managing knowledge is organizations: An integrative framework and review of emerging themes.Management Science,49(4),571-582.
Becker, M. C.(2001).Managing dispersed knowledge: Organizational problems, managerial strategies, and their effectiveness.Journal of Management Studies,38(7),1037-1051.
Birkinshaw, J.,Nobel, R.,Ridderstrale, J.(2002).Knowledge as a contingency variable: Do the characteristics of knowledge predict organization structure?.Organization Science,13,274-290.
Blackler, F.(1995).Knowledge, knowledge work and organizations: An overview and interpretation.Organization Studies,16(6),1021-1046.
Brandon, D. P.,Hollingshead, A. B.(2004).Transactive memory systems in organizations: Matching tasks, expertise, and people.Organization Science,15(6),633-644.
Brown, J. S.,Duguid, P.(1998).Organization knowledge.California Management Review,40(3),90-111.
Brown, J. S.,Duguid, P.(2001).Knowledge and organization: A social-practice perspective.Organization Science,12,198-213.
Cohendet, P.,Kern, F.,Mehmanpazir, B.,Munier, F.(1999).Knowledge coordination, competence creation and integrated networks in globalised firms.Cambridge Journal of Economics,23(2),225-241.
Conner, K. M.,Prahalad, C. K.(1996).A resource-based theory of the firm: Knowledge versus opportunism.Organization Science,7(5),477-501.
Dodgson, M.(1993).Organizational learning: A review of some literatures.Organization studies,14,375-394.
Felin, T.,Hesterly, W. S.(2007).The knowledge-based view, nested heterogeneity, and new value creation: Philosophical considerations on the locus of knowledge.Academic of Management Review,32(1),195-218.
Foss, K.,Foss, N. J.(2002).Authority in the context of distributed knowledge.DRUID Working Paper, 03-08.
Foss, N. J.(2007).The emerging knowledge governance approach: Challenge and characteristics.Organization,14(1),29-52.
Foss, N. J.(2005).The knowledge governance approach.CSMG-Working Paper.
Foss, N. J.,Husted, K.,Michailova, S.,Dedersen, T.(2003).Governing knowledge processes: Theoretical of foundations and research opportunities.CKG Working Paper.
Gavetti, G.(2005).Cognition and hierarchy: Rethinking the microfoundations of capabilities' development.Organization Science,16(6),599-617.
Grandori, A.(2001).Cognitive failures and combinative governance.Journal of management and Governance,5(3-4),252-260.
Grandori, A.(2001).Neither hierarchy nor identity: Knowledge governance mechanism and the theory of the firm.Journal of management and Governance,5,381-399.
Grandori, A.(1997).Governance structures, coordination mechanisms and cognitive models.Journal of Management and Governance,1,29-47.
Grandori, A.,Kogut, B.(2002).Dialogue on organization and knowledge.Organization Science,13(3),224-231.
Grandori. A.(2000).Knowledge governance mechanisms and theory of the firm.Milan:University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and CRORA Bocconi University.
Grant, R. M.(1996).Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm.Strategic Management Journal (Winter Special Issue),17,109-122.
Gupta, A. K.,Govindarajan, V.(2000).Knowledge flows within multinational corporations.Strategic Management Journal,21,473-496.
Gupta, A. K.,Govindarajan, V.(2000).Knowledge management social dimension: Lesson from Nucor Steel.Sloan Management Review,42(1),77-80.
Hansen, M. T.(2002).Knowledge networks: Explaining effective knowledge sharing in multiunit companies.Organization Science,13(3),232-248.
Hansen, M. T.(1999).The search-transfer problem: The role of weak ties in sharing knowledge across organization subunits.Administrative Science Quarterly,44,82-111.
Hansen, M.,Mors, M.,Lovas, B.(2005).Knowledge shating in organizations: Multiple networks, multiple phases.Academy of Management Journal,48(5),776-793.
Hedlund G.(1994).A model of knowledge management and the N-form corporation.Strategic Management Journal,15,73-90.
Hennart, J. F.(1994).The comparative institutional theory of the firm: Some implications for corporate strategy.Journal of Management Studied,31(2),193-207.
Huber, G. P.(1991).Organizational learning: The contributing processes and the literatures.Organization Science,2(1),88-115.
Kaplan, S.,Henderson, R.(2005).Inertia and incentives: Bridging organizational economics and organizational theory.Organization Science,16(5),509-521.
Karamanos, A. G.(2003).Complexity, identity and the value of knowledge-intensive exchanges.Journal of Management Studies,40(7),1871-1890.
Kogut, B.,Zander, U.(1992).Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology.Organization Science,3(3),383-397.
Kogut, B.,Zander, U.(1996).What firms do? Coordination, identity and learning.Organization Science,7(5),502-518.
Kostova, T.(1999).Transnational transfer of strategic organizational practice: A contextual perspective.Academy of Management Review,24(2),308-324.
Kyriakopoulos, K.,de Ruyter, K.(2004).Knowledge stocks and information flows in new product development.Journal of Management Studies,41(8),1469-1498.
Lam, A.(2000).Tacit knowledge, organizational learning and societal institutions: An integrated framework.Organization Studies,21(3),487-513.
Lam, A.(1997).Embedded firms, embedded knowledge: Problems of collaboration and knowledge transfer in global cooperative ventures.Organization Studies,18(6),973-996.
Lindenberg, S.(2003).It takes both trust and lack of mistrus: The workings of cooperation and relational signaling in contractual relationships.Journal of Management and Governance,4,11-33.
Lindkvist, L.(2005).Knowledge communities and knowledge collectivities: A typology of knowledge work in groups.Journal of Management Studies,42(6),1189-1210.
Lindkvist, L.(2004).Governing project-based firms: Promoting market-like processes within hierarchies.Journal of Management and Governance,8,3-25.
Lyles, M. A.(1992).Top management, strategy and organizational knowledge structure.Journal of Management Studies,29(2),155-174.
Madsen, T. L.,Mosakowski, E.,Zaheer, S.(2002).The dynamics of knowledge flows: Human capital mobility, knowledge retention and change.Journal of Knowledge Management,62(2),164-176.
Mahnke, V.(Eds.),Pedersen, T. (Eds.)(2004).Knowledge flow, governance and the multinational enterprise.Palgrave, Macmillian.
Minkler, A. P.(1993).The problem with dispersed knowledge firms in theory and practice.Kyklos,46,569-587.
Mom, T. J. M.,Van Den Bosch, F. A. J.,Volberda, H. W.(2007).Investigating managers' exploration and exploitation activities: The influence of top-down, bottom-up, and horizational knowledge inflows.Journal of Management studies,44(6),911-931.
Moorman, C.,Miner, A.(1997).The impact of organizational memory on new product performance and creativity.Journal of Marketing Research,34,91-106.
Morone, P.,Taylor, R.(2004).Knowledge diffusion dynamics and network properties of face-to-face interactions.Journal of Evolutionary Economics,14,327-351.
Nahapiet, J.,Ghoshal, S.(1998).Social capitial, intellectual capital, and the organization advantage.Academy of Management Review,23(2),242-266.
Nickerson, J. A.,Zenger, T.(2004).A knowledge-based theory of the firm: The problem-solving perspective.Organization Science,15(6),617-632.
Nonaka, I.(1994).A Dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation.Organization Science,5(1),14-37.
Nonaka, I.,Takeuchi, H.(1995).The Knowledge-creating company.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Nonaka, I.,Toyama, R.,Konno, N.(2000).SECI, Ba and leadership: A unified model of dynamic knowledge creation.Long Range Planning,33,5-34.
Nonaka, I.,Toyama, R.,Nagata, A.(2000).A firm as a knowledge-creating entity: A new perspective on the theory on the theory of the firm.Industrial and Corporate Change,9(1),1-20.
Nooteboom, B.(2000).Learning by interaction: Absorptive capacity, cognitive distance and governance.Journal of Management and Governance,4,69-92.
Nooteboom, B.(2004).Governance and competence: How can they be combined?.Cambridge Journal of Economics,28,505-525.
Nooteboom, B.(2006).Beyond penrose: A cognitive theory of the firm.CentER Discussion Paper no. 2006-34.
Oliver, C.(1990).Determinants of interorganizational relationships: Integration and future directions.Academy of Management Review,15,241-265.
Osterloh, M.,Frey, B. S.(2000).Motivation, knowledge trans for and organizational forms.Organization Science,11(5),538-550.
Paoli, M.,Prencipe, A.(2003).Memory of the organization and memories within the organization.Journal of Management and Governance,7(2),145-162.
Peltokorpi, V.,Tsuyuki, E.(2006).Knowledge governance in a Japanese project-based organization.Knowledge Management Research & Practice,4(1),36-45.
Pisano, G.(1994).Knowledge, integration, and the locus of learning: An empirical analysis of process development.Strategic Management Journal,15,85-100.
Postrel, S.(2002).Islands of shared knowledge: Specialization and mutual understanding in problem-solving teams.Organization Science,13(3),303-320.
Schulz, M.(2001).The uncertain relevance of newness: Organizational learning and knowledge flow.Academy of Management Journal,44(4),661-681.
Shapira, Z.(2000).Governance in organizations: A cognition perspective.Journal of Management and Governance,4(1),53-67.
Spender, J. -C.(1996).Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm.Strategic Management Journal,17,45-62.
Spender, J. -C.(1996).Organizational knowledge, learning and memory: Three concepts in search of a theory.Journal of Organizational Change Management,9(1),63-79.
Strati, A.(1998).(Mis)understanding cognition in organization studies.Scandinavian Journal of Management,14(4),309-329.
Swan, J.,Scarbrough, H.(2001).Knowledge management: Concepts and controversies.Journal of Management's Studies,38(7),913-921.
Szulanski, G.(1996).Exploring internal stickiness: Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm.Strategic Management Journal,17,27-43.
Szulanski, G.,Jensen, R. J.(2004).Overcoming stickiness: An empirical investigation of the role of the template in the replication of organizational routines.Management and Decision economics,25,347-363.
Teece, D. J.,Pisano, G.,Shuen, A.(1997).Dynamic capabilities and strategic management.Strategic Management Journal,18,509-553.
Tsang, E. W. K.(2006).Behavioral assumptions and theory development: The case of transaction cost economics.Strategic Management Journal,27(11),999-1011.
Tsoukas, H.(1996).The firm as a distributed knowledge system: A constructionist approach.Strategic Management Journal,17,11-25.
Tsoukas, H.,Vladimirou(2001).What is organization knowledge?.Journal of Management Studies,38(7),973-993.
Turner, K.,Makhija, M. V.(2006).The role of organizational controls in managing knowledge.Academy of Management Review,31(1),197-217.
Walsh, J. P.,Ungson, G. R.(1991).Organizational memory.Academy of Management Review,16(1),57-91.
Watson, S.,Hewett, K.(2006).A multi-theoretical model of knowledge transfer in organizations: Determinants of knowledge contribution and knowledge reuse.Journal of Management Studies,43(2),141-172.
Williamson, O. E.(1991).Comparative economic organization: The analysis of discrete structure alternative.Administrative Science Quarterly,36(2),269-296.
Wuyts, S.,Colombo, M. G.,Dutta, S.,Nooteboom, B.(2005).Empirical tests of optimal cognitive distance.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,58,277-302.
Zahra, A. S.,George, G.(2002).Absorptive capacity: A review, reconceptualization, and extension.Academy of Management Review,27(2),185-203.