


The Role of Family Linkage and Political Linkage on Diversification Decision over Time: An Empirical Study in Taiwan's Family Business Groups




鍾喜梅(Hsi-Mei Chung);葉家豪(Chia-Hao Yeh)


家族集團企業 ; 家族連結 ; 政商關係 ; 多角化 ; 資源基礎論 ; 縱橫資料 ; family business group ; family linkage ; political linkage ; diversification ; resource-based viewpoint ; panel data




3卷1期(2010 / 02 / 01)


67 - 106






From the resource-based viewpoint, the development of family linkage and political linkage is critical in discussing the strategic decision in family business groups. This study tries to investigate the role of family linkage and political linkage on the diversification decision over time in Taiwan's family business groups. The results reveal that when considering family control independently, the family control has significantly negative influence on level of diversification in family business groups. In addition, the higher the political linkage in this family business group, especially the informal political linkage, the more likely this family business group has higher level of diversification. The family business group is a distinctive business entity in Asian region. This study provides referable values in discussing the possible role of family control and political linkage on strategic decision in family business group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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