


The Influences of Team Network Structure and Relational Context on New Product Development Performance: The Mediation Effect of Shared Knowledge




蔡馥陞(Fu-Sheng Tsai);方世杰(Shih-Chieh Fang);楊舒閔(Su-Min Yang);許文齡(Wen-Ling Hsu);邱志芳(Chih-Fang Chiu)


網絡結構 ; 關係系絡 ; 共享知識 ; 新產品開發 ; social network structure ; relational context ; shared knowledge ; new product development




4卷1期(2011 / 02 / 01)


33 - 80




儘管新產品開發團隊之群體社會性網絡結構與關係系絡已逐漸被研究者認為是影響知識活動的重要因素,但這些因素彼此間的交互效果對於創新管理的影響, 仍須進一步檢驗。為此,本研究採團隊層次資料收集與分析,以探究群體網絡結構與關係系絡內涵之直接與互動效果,是否會對團隊共享之任務知識蓄積及新產品開發續效產生影響。此外,本研究亦探討團隊成員間透過知識交換活動後,所形成之共享知識在網絡結構因素與新產品開發績效間的中介效果。研究結果發現,團隊之網絡密度與各關係系絡內涵變數(信任、互惠)的互動效果,皆對共享知識之質量產生顯著影響。而共享知識對於新產品開發績效具正向直接影響效果,並扮演中介角色。實證上不符合預期的結果是: 團隊之網絡集中度對於共享知識質量之負向效果並未獲得顯著支持。其次,關係系絡在網絡結構對知識分享新穎性之關係中,並未產生顯著的負向調節效果。研究結果顯示,從社會網絡觀點出發,對新產品開發之研究,具有其豐富的知識管理意涵-個體異質性的知識,透過社會互動之結構,將創造成員間知識交換後之共享知識(組織任務層次)。該共享知識在團隊之創新導向任務中,係扮演一知識轉換之重要角色。


Social factors in a networked group have been proposed as influential forces on collective knowledge and innovation activities. However, the interactive effects of variables from the distinctive dimensions these on knowledge and innovation management have yet been unclear. The present research, collecting and analyzing data on the group level-of-analysis, investigates the interactive effects of social structure and relational context on group knowledge sharing and new product development performance. Further, shared knowledge is discussed with dimensions of knowledge-sharing quality and quantity. Overall results suggest that network density and all interactive effects relating to this antecedent and relational context are positively and significantly influence knowledge sharing and NPD performance. The mediation effect of shared knowledge in the model is supported. Surprisingly, however, the network centralization was negative influence on shared knowledge supported; Moreover, the expected negative moderation of relational context does not show in our results. These surprising results, against our theoretical articulation, implies that further discussion on the traditionally perceived, if not common-sense, impacts of network centralization on knowledge activities need to be further re-investigated with careful theoretical elaboration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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