


Effects of Work Resources on Work-to-Family Conflict and Work Outcomes




張婷婷(Ting-Ting Chang);陸洛(Luo Lu);郭靜宜(Chin-Yi Kuo)


工作對家庭衝突 ; 工作資源 ; 離職意向 ; 工作滿意 ; 工作績效 ; work-to-family conflict ; work resources ; turnover intentions ; job satisfaction ; job performance




5卷2期(2012 / 08 / 01)


101 - 135




本研究的主要目的為探討「工作資源」(包含彈性工時制度與組織家庭支持理念)、「工作對家庭衝突」(work-to-family conflict,WFC)與工作表現(工作績效、離職意向與工作滿意)之間的關聯。以「壓力源-壓力感受模式」與資源保存理論(conservation of resource theory)為本研究的理論基礎。採用結構式問卷調查,共計完成310份有效問卷,調查對象為臺灣有全職工作的成年人。研究結果發現,工作資源中的組織家庭支持理念與WFC有負向關係。WFC會影響所有的工作表現變項,WFC愈高,則工作績效與工作滿意愈低,離職意向愈高。組織家庭支持理念與工作滿意有正向關係,與離職意向則有負向關係。此外,本研究也發現,工作資源中的彈性工時制度可能會緩解WFC對工作滿意、工作績效的負向衝擊。本研究建議,企業除了實行相關的家庭友善政策外,亦需積極地營造出家庭支持的企業文化和風氣,以減低員工職場和家庭的衝突,進而提升員工的工作表現。


The aim of this research was to explore relations among work resources (including flexible work schedules and organizational family-support values), work-to-family conflict (WFC), and work-related outcomes (job performance, turnover intentions, job satisfaction). This research is based on the stressors-stress model and the conservation of resource theory. Using structured questionnaires, 310 full-time employees are surveyed. Analyses revealed that for Taiwanese employees, organizational family-support values were related to decrease WFC. WFC was in turn related to reduced job performance, reduced job satisfaction and increased turnover intention. Moreover, we found that organizational family-support values can reduce turnover intention and enhance job satisfaction. More importantly, we found that flexible work schedules moderated relationships between WFC and job satisfaction, and between WFC and job performance. It is thus recommended that in addition to introducing various family-friendly policies, companies should also be active in cultivating a family-supportive organizational culture.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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