


Impact of Knowledge Governance Mechanisms on Individual Knowledge Management Behavior: An Ownership Perspective


劉敏熙(Min-Shi Liu);劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu)


所有權觀點 ; 知識心理擁有感 ; 知識治理機制 ; 個人知識分享行為 ; 個人知識創新行為 ; ownership perspective ; knowledge psychological ownership ; knowledge governance mechanisms ; individual knowledge sharing behaviors ; individual knowledge creation behaviors




6卷1期(2013 / 02 / 01)


1 - 58






Knowledge governance mechanisms are a new development in the management of organizational knowledge. Studies over the last few years have used many different methodologies to categorize knowledge governance mechanisms into hierarchical, market, hybrid, and other forms of governance, for example. Regardless of the form of governance assigned, however, the most prevalent perspective presented in the available literature is that these knowledge governance mechanisms must have the ability to manage the flow of business knowledge. How knowledge governance mechanisms advance knowledge flow within an organization thus has become an important topic for discussion. Knowledge can also be discussed from a knowledge capacity perspective, wherein knowledge is owned and becomes a kind of asset. Therefore, how knowledge governance mechanisms promote psychological ownership by the knowledge owner so that he or she actively carries out knowledge innovation and sharing has become another important topic for discussion. This study attempts to combine past literature and develop an integrated model and related assumptions for knowledge governance mechanisms, knowledge psychological ownership, and individual knowledge management behavior.Findings from evidential analyses include: 1) A new assessment of knowledge governance mechanisms from an ownership perspective -- knowledge governance mechanisms viewed from a decision-making rights and property rights perspective was helpful in gaining a more detailed understanding of individual knowledge management behavior. 2) The psychological ownership of knowledge can be divided into the two different independent structural concepts of ”mine” and ”ours.” 3) Paths to encouraging individual knowledge management behavior include: a) Knowledge governance mechanisms from a decision-making rights perspective stress positive identification with one's group -- the higher the level of individual recognition of related mechanisms implemented by organizations, the more individuals identify with knowledge being commonly owned by the group and expect of themselves to engage in knowledge creation and sharing behavior to achieve organizational aspirations. b) Knowledge governance mechanisms from a property rights perspective stress private and individual proprietary characteristics -- employees who possess real ownership (i.e. corporate stock) when they innovate will deem such innovation as an extension of self, which then has an impact on individual knowledge creation behaviors because of the psychological ownership of my knowledge.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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