


The Comparison of Interviewees Performance Appraisal between Video-Conferencing and Face-to-Face Media: Positions-Resumes Fit as Moderators


羅新興(Hsin-Hsin Lo);蕭金蘭(Ching-Lan Hsiao);羅右杰(Yu-Chieh Lo)


視訊面談 ; 臨場面談 ; 面談表現評價 ; 職務-履歷適配 ; video-conferencing interviews ; face-to-face interviews ; interviewees performance appraisal ; position-resume fit




6卷1期(2013 / 02 / 01)


121 - 140






This research program contained two major parts: one was to examine the difference of interviewee performance appraisal between video-conferencing and face-to-face interviews; the other was to exploring the difference of interviewee performance appraisal between video-conferencing and face-to-face interviews under whether positions-resumes fit or not. This research was conducted by mock interviews for members of organization and researcher played the role of applicant. The experiment was tested using 2×2×2 between subjects design. The researcher obtained an effective sample of 230. The results of this study showed that interviewees performance appraisals were lower in video-conferencing than in face-to-face interviews when applicants applied specialty information of resumes that could not fit for position requests; however, it was not difference between video-conferencing and face-to-face interviews when applicants applied specialty information of resumes that fit for position requests. We also discussed the theoretical contributions and practical applications about research findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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