


The Impact of Firm Bankruptcy on Existing Firm in the Same Industry: The Positive Competitive Effect during a Recession


曾真真(Jen-Jen Tseng);曾曉萍(Hsiao-Ping Tsen)


存活公司 ; 企業破產 ; 正向競爭效應 ; 資源移轉 ; 經濟衰退期 ; existing firm ; bankruptcy ; positive competitive effect ; resources transfer ; recession




6卷1期(2013 / 02 / 01)


93 - 120






The positive competitive effect of business failure might occur because of the existing firms acquired the resource from a bankruptcy firm. It can create benefits for the existing firms. This study is focused on the examination of positive competitive effect. Using 458 public offering firms as data set from 9 industries in 2001, we tested the impact of the potential of acquired resources from bankruptcy firm on increasing return of assets. Empirical results show that existing firms have more efficient with their assets , higher salary, more market share and more similarities between bankruptcy firm and existing firm, which will gain more positive competitive effect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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