


Helpful or Harmful? Exploring the Moderating Effects of Supervisory and Coworker Support on the Relationships between Emotional Labor, Service Performance and Turnover Intentions




紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi)


主管支持 ; 同事支持 ; 服務績效 ; 情緒勞動 ; 離職傾向 ; supervisor support ; coworker support ; service performance ; emotional labor ; turnover intentions




7卷1期(2014 / 02 / 01)


115 - 160






Emotional labor (EL) refers to the processes through which front-line service workers regulate their emotions in order to show appropriate emotions toward customers. Scholars suggested that EL not only enhances service workers' performance but also increases service workers' turnover intentions, however, the empirical studies showed mixed findings regarding to the associations between EL, service performance and turnover intentions. Based on the job demand-resource model, we examined whether perceived coworker and supervisor support moderate the relationships between EL, service performance, and turnover intentions. Data was collected from various types of service industries, such as retailing, hotel, and restaurant industries and from multiple sources. In total, 130 valid paired questionnaires were returned with a valid response rate of 75 percent. We performed hierarchical regression analyses to test our hypotheses. The results showed that: (1) when perceived supervisor support was high, surface acting (SA) was positively related to customer consideration; (2) high coworker support can strengthen the positive relationship between deep acting (DA) and adequate responses and the negative relationship between DA and turnover intentions. We also discussed the theoretical and practical implications of our findings. Finally, we also proposed several directions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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