


Authoritarian Leadership and Workplace Deviance: The Roles of LMX Differentiation and Individual-Level Cultural Values




劉娜婷(Na-Ting Liu);蔡秉毅(Peng-Yi Chua);徐雅惠(Ya-Hui Hsu);吳肇展(Chao-Chan Wu)


主管與部屬交換關係差異 ; 威權領導 ; 傳統性 ; 職場偏差行為 ; 權力距離 ; leader-member exchanges differentiation ; authoritarian leadership ; traditionality ; workplace deviance ; power distance




7卷2期(2014 / 08 / 01)


1 - 50




本研究旨在探討威權領導與三種職場偏差行為(人際、組織與主管導向)的關係。此外,同時探討主管與部屬交換關係差異在威權領導與三種職場偏差行為間的中介角色,更進一步檢視二個重要的個人文化價值觀-傳統性與權力距離在主管與部屬交換關係差異和職場偏差行為間的調節效果。以臺灣地區全職員工為調查對象,總計回收260份有效問卷,並以階層迴歸和Edwards與Lambert(2007)所發展的調節式路徑分析法(moderated path analysis)進行假設驗證。研究結果顯示,威權領導對三種職場偏差行為有正向預測;主管與部屬交換關係差異在威權領導與職場偏差行為間扮演中介角色;傳統性分別對主管與部屬交換關係差異和組織導向、主管導向偏差行為之關係具負向調節效果;此外,本研究亦發現,當員工權力距離認知愈高時,主管與部屬交換關係差異和主管導向偏差行為間的正向關係將愈弱。最後,針對研究結果,本研究提出管理意涵與後續研究建議。


This study examined the relationships between authoritarian leadership and three facets of workplace deviance (interpersonal, organizational and supervisordirected deviance) and leader-member exchanges differentiation (LMX differentiation) as a mediator of the relationships between authoritarian leadership and workplace deviance. In addition, two individual-level cultural valuestraditionality and power distance were tested as moderators of LMX differentiation-workplace deviance relationships. Data were collected from 260 full-time employees in Taiwan from different organizations in different industries. We conducted a series of hierarchical regression/ moderated path analysis to test our hypotheses. The results indicated that authoritarian leadership was positively related to interpersonal, organizational, and supervisor-directed deviance. LMX differentiation mediated the relationships between authoritarian leadership and three facets of workplace deviance. For the moderating effects, the higher traditionality, the weaker the influence of LMX differentiation on organizational deviance and on supervisor-directed deviance; the higher power distance, the weaker the influence of LMX differentiation on supervisor-directed deviance. Some academic and managerial implications were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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