


The Expectation Gap Model of Crisis Communication




姚惠忠(Hui-Chung Yao);楊奕源(Yih-Yuan Yang)


危機溝通 ; 期望缺口 ; 解釋接受程度 ; crisis communication ; expectation gap ; account acceptance




7卷2期(2014 / 08 / 01)


127 - 163






This study aims at constructing an expectation gap-based model of crisis communication effects. It employed experiments to validate the relationship between organization-audience expectation gaps, account acceptance and crisis communication effects. This model suggests that expectation gaps predict account acceptance, and account acceptance positively influences crisis communication effects. Based on this model, the author suggests that organizations which desire high account acceptance should focus on audiences' expectations and their causes, because by narrowing expectation gaps and concurring with audiences' situational perceptions of crises can organizations effectively reduce public anger, protect reputations and neutralize negative word-of-mouth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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