


Examining the Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions of the Transformational Leadership-Job Performance Links: The Moderating Roles of Adaptability and the Mediating Roles of Employee Fit Perceptions




紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi);王誼臻(Angeline Yi-Zen Wang)


任務型績效 ; 個人與環境適配知覺 ; 個人適應性 ; 組織公民行為 ; 轉換型領導任務型績效 ; 個人與環境適配知覺 ; 個人適應性 ; 組織公民行為 ; 轉換型領導 ; task performance ; person-environment fit ; adaptability ; organizational citizenship behavior ; transformational leadership




7卷2期(2014 / 08 / 01)


81 - 126




近年來,雖有數篇研究試圖釐清轉換型領導與部屬工作績效間的影響機制,但轉換型領導是否會透過部屬多重的適配知覺(fit perceptions),進而影響其不同的工作績效面向,則仍有待釐清。此外,亦有學者認為,轉換型領導的影響效果會因部屬個人傾向的不同而有所差異。因此,本研究的第一個目的為檢視轉換型領導是否會透過部屬的個人工作適配(person-job fit)、個人組織適配(person-organization fit)與個人主管適配(person-supervisor fit),進而影響其任務績效,以及對主管/對組織的公民行為。此外,本研究亦探討部屬的學習與文化適應性傾向,對轉換型領導與部屬個人適配知覺關係的干擾效果。本研究透過不同時間點(間隔兩週)、不同來源(主管、部屬)的配對問卷調查方式,抽樣來自各產業公司的主管與部屬為研究樣本,總計有效配對問卷為179份(85位主管、179位部屬)。研究發現,轉換型領導會透過影響部屬需求—供給適配知覺,進而提高任務型績效;其次,轉換型領導透過加強部屬的個人組織、主管適配知覺,進而分別影響部屬對組織的公民行為、對主管的組織公民行為;此外,當部屬具高文化適應性時,轉換型領導可更提升其需求—供給適配知覺;而部屬的學習適應性則會干擾轉換型領導與部屬的要求—能力、個人與主管適配知覺之關係。本研究根據研究結果,提出具體之管理意涵如下:一、企業可加強主管的領導才能訓練;二、定期評估部屬對工作環境的適配度;三、發展甄選工具,以評估部屬的適應性傾向。


The purpose of this study was to explore whether the employee perceived need-supply fit (N-S fit), demand-ability fit (D-A fit), person-organization fit (P-O fit), and person-supervisor fit (P-S fit) mediate the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and follower's task performance, and organizational citizenship behavior toward organization (OCB-O) and supervisor (OCB-S). In addition, we also examined the moderating effects of follower's cultural and learning adaptabilities on the relationship between TFL and the above employee's fit perceptions.The data was collected from 36 companies of different industries in Taiwan, consisted of 85 leaders and 179 followers. The result of structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analysis showed that perceived N-S fit mediated the relationship of TFL and task performance. The effect of TFL on OCB-O and OCB-S was also mediated by perceived P-O fit, and P-S fit respectively. Furthermore, follower's cultural adaptability moderated the positive relationship between TFL and N-S fit. Besides, follower's low learning adaptability strengthened the effect of TFL on follower perceived D-A fit. Finally, follower's learning adaptability strengthened the positive relationship between TFL and perceived P-S fit. Theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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