


The Negative Impacts of Daily Faking Emotions: Exploring the Buffering Effects of Employee Assistance Programs on The Relationships between Daily Surface Acting, Work-to-Family Conflict, and Somatic Health




紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi);葉思妤(Szu-Yu Yeh)


身心健康 ; 表層演出 ; 員工協助方案 ; 職家衝突 ; somatic health ; surface acting ; employee assistance program ; work-to-family conflict




10卷1期(2017 / 02 / 01)


91 - 129






Emotional labor is the process that employees manage their emotions in order to display required emotions. However, engaging in surface acting would lead to more harmful physical and mental effects than deep acting. Based on the theory of Job Demands-Resources Model, this study examined the daily relationships between surface acting, work-to-family conflict and somatic health. Also, this study explores whether Employee Assistance Program buffers the detrimental impacts of daily surface acting. The study collected different service type of front-line workers as samples. The samples were composed of 669 daily-surveys from 97 employees within 10 working days. We collected data of the daily surface acting, work-to-family conflict and somatic health at different time points. The proposed hypotheses were tested by the hierarchical linear modeling analyses. The results showed that daily surface acting was positively related to work-to-family conflict and somatic health. Furthermore, high levels of health-related Employee Assistance Program buffered the positive relationship between surface acting and work-to-family conflict. Finally, high levels of job-related Employee Assistance Program can reduced the negative impact of surface acting on somatic health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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