


Zealot Effect: Mitigating the Expansion of Electronic Negative Word-of-Mouth




李怡慧(Joyce Yi-Hui Lee)


內容分析 ; 社會網絡分析 ; 網路口碑 ; 線上網絡影響 ; 線上論壇 ; qualitative content analysis ; social network analysis ; electronic word-of-mouth ; online networked influence ; online discussion forum




12卷2期(2019 / 08 / 01)


55 - 111






The popularity of online communication platforms (e.g. discussion forum, web community) creates a possible contagious effect regarding electronic word-of-mouth which can be easily spread and lead to the brand or product become well-known. However, organizations might be facing serious impacts caused by electronic negative word-of-mouth (e-NWOM) and consequentially their reputations might become harmed. While researchers have highlighted that marketers and organizations need to make sense of and respond to e-NWOM effectively for preventing "online firestorms", the questions regarding the management and control of e-NWOM remained unexplored. To fill the research gap, this study addresses the research questions about how explosive e-NOWM becoming mild and the dissemination slowing down. Taking the theoretical lens of online networked influence theory, this research conducts an interpretive case study by using the social network analysis with qualitative approach. The research outcomes demonstrate powerful effect raised by three types of zealous participants. The interactions between them made a significant contribution to the result of e- NWOM reduction. Theoretical contributions and practical implementations derived from the research findings are discussed in this article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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