


Website Characteristics and Applicant Intention to Apply: The Moderating Role of Applicant Personality




陳建丞(Chien-Cheng Chen);王秀菁(Hsiu-Ching Wang);許巧欣(Chiao-Hsin Hsu)


企業網站特性 ; 求職者人格特質 ; 網路招募 ; website characteristics ; applicant personality ; internet recruitment




13卷1期(2020 / 02 / 01)


125 - 167






The use of organizational web sites for recruitment has become increasingly common. Today, most companies utilize organizational web sites to disseminate information to potential job applicants. The primary aim of this study is to investigate (1) the relationship between organizational web site characteristics and applicant's intention to apply, and (2) the moderating effects of applicant personality on the relationship discussed above. For the sake of external generalization of the study results, we collected data from 187 real applicants in a field setting. Results showed that both website aesthetics and navigational usability were positive related to applicant's intention to apply. In addition, applicant personality of conscientiousness strengthened the positive relationship between website aesthetics and applicant's intention to apply, while extraversion strengthened the positive relationship between website interactivity and applicant's intention to apply, and openness to experience strengthened the positive relationship between website usability and applicant's intention to apply.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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