


Co-Creation Value through Sharing: Exploring the Mechanism of Xbed Hotel's Innovative Service by Platform




杜鵬(Peng Du);李慶芳(Ching-Fang Lee);張容榕(Jung-Jung Chang)


互動 ; 平台模式 ; 共享 ; 資源整合 ; 價值共創 ; interaction ; platform model ; sharing ; resource integration ; value co-creation




13卷2期(2020 / 08 / 01)


103 - 147






In the environment of continuous innovation of information and mobile technology, not only new business models and application scenarios have been created, but also people's thinking and existing behavior patterns have been changed. In the wake of the sharing economy, Internet+, and user service experience trends, innovative business models have been constantly popping up in our everyday lives, and this study focused on addressing the question of how to size up and analyze these brand-new business models. This study employed the hermeneutic case study method and used the theoretical sampling method to select Xbed (Xbed Group)-the first staffless hotel with all-online operations-as a research subject. After a series of iterative derivations, theoretical analysis and a dialogue between value co-creation theory and the case of Xbed are used to conclude the mechanism by which a sharing service co-creates value. Based on this mechanism, three arguments are proposed: First, in the three work practices of decomposition, re-linking, and co-creation, a platform can be used to link services and create new value through the co-creation mechanism. Second, with regard to the "Sharing Economy 3.0," sharing first evolved from material sharing to socialized sharing, and now to conceptualized sharing. Third, with regard to value co-creation reengineering (VCCRE), the logic of value re-engineering, co-creation, and recycling can be summarized as "from macro to micro, and building the macro from the micro." Lastly, this study investigated the theoretical and practical implications of these three research viewpoints.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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